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   "LIKE I WAS saying before I got distracted, every day was a battle. Whether that was a fight for survival physically or mentally."

Frances looked over to the chair where Kirin was previously sitting. Once the detectives established their relationship and how they were with one another, they asked for Kirin to be removed.

The girl couldn't believe how hard it was to say goodbye to him again. She had tears brimming in her eyes but she knew better than to show weakness.

"Mentally, pretending to be my brother was hard. But so was the challenges that came with those who knew I was a girl. The mental manipulation from Seth, the things he did. That was harder to survive than any physical challenge."


Kirin gripped Frances bicep and pulled her away from the rest of the group. They had been back on shore for a while and tidying up the mess that the jaguar left.

"Woah, what are you doing?" Frances questioned harshly, pushing his hands off of her.

"What am I doing?" Kirin scoffed. "What the fuck were you doing?" His brows raised as he looked down to the blonde.

Frances shrugged, throwing her hands up in the air. She had no clue what he was on about. She didn't get why he was being like this or why he was still upset with her.

"I'm on about you feeding the fire whilst the rest of us are in the fucking sea." His voice was low and rasp, something that would normally be attractive to the girl, had Kirin not been so upset with her.

The blonde rolled her eyes, she took a quick glance back to the rest of the group. None of them had even noticed that they had pulled away to talk. No one other than Seth anyways.

Just looking at him made the girl feel physically sick. She pulled down the ends of her jumper and looked up to the boy before saying,

"It's common fucking sense, Kirin. One, jags are scared of fire. Two, we need the fire to be a signal to get off this shithole of an island."

Kirin glanced down at the girl, his jaw clenching at the fact that she thought that getting off the island was more important than her life.

"Getting off this island isn't as important as you, Franny." Kirin whispered, taking a step closer to the girl, he lowered his head ever so slightly.

Frances clicked on almost instantly, she placed her hand on his chest and watched as his face fell. She wrapped her hand around his wrist and pulled him into the woods.

"Franny. I'm so-"

The blonde pulled to a stop and span on her heel to face the boy again. She gripped his shirt in her hands tightly, her breath hitched as she watched his eyes flicker down to her lips.

Kirin gripped the girls waist and pulled her closer to him. He could feel her warm breath mingling with his own. He was so desperate to see what her lips tasted like. What her lips felt like against his.

They'd only been on the island two weeks, but within those two weeks he fell hard for Frances than he did for any girl back home.

The girl stood on her tip toes, her arms wrapping around Kirin's shoulders and her fingers playing with the ends of his hair. She was so close to his lips that their noses brushed.

Both of them wanted it, but neither of them wanted to make the first move. Kirin bit back a smirk as he watched the girl wet her bottom lip, his grip on her waist tightened, making her hum in response.

He lightly brushed their lips together, slightly teasing the girl. Frances whimpered once his lips didn't fully connect. She was desperate for his lips against hers.

She couldn't wait anymore, she didn't care if he teased her for it later on. She just needed his lips against hers. So, she pulled him in and connected their lips.

Kirin chuckled into the kiss, it was everything he wanted. The way her body fit perfectly in his and her lips moulded perfectly with hers. She was everything he wanted. His fingers pushed her hood down and then ran through her hair.

The boy quickly pulled away from the girl once he heard the twigs snap behind them. He quickly pulled Frances behind him, not wanting anyone to see her.

"Kirin? Phineas?" Ivan questioned, his brows furrowing once he saw the longer blonde hair. "Kirin, who is that?"

Kirin didn't move an inch. He felt the way that Frances gripped so tightly onto his jumper and buried her head into the crook of his back. He could feel her shaking.

"Go away, Taylor." Kirin spoke strongly, his hand linked with Frances, his thumb running over her knuckles.

"Is that a girl?" Ivan questioned, ignoring Kirin and taking a step closer.

"I mean it, Taylor. Go away." Kirin spoke slower and in a deeper, more aggressive tone.

Frances knew that they had been caught. She knew that there wasn't any way that Ivan would leave without answers. So, she plucked up the courage and stepped out from behind Kirin with her head hung low.

"And where have we been hiding you?" Ivan questioned with a small chuckle. He then took in the girls appearance. "Phineas?"

"Frances." She corrected.

Ivan made an 'o' shape with his mouth as he smirked at Kirin. That's who Kirin was shouting when in the sea hiding from the jaguar.

"Well, it's lovely to meet you Frances." Ivan extended his hand to shake with his girl, his smug smile never fading from his face. "I'm guessing no one else knows."

"No." Kirin jumped in. "And so help me God, Taylor. If you tell anyone-"

"I'm not going to tell anyone." Ivan had never seen Kirin be so protective about someone before. In a way, it was nice to see. "I'll see you at camp shortly." With that, the boy left them.

Frances turned to Kirin and buried her head in his chest. Kirin let go of a half hearted chuckle, his hand cupping the back of the girls head. Part of him was nervous for Ivan knowing, but the other part of him trusted him.

He leant down and pressed his lips against the girls forehead, making her look up at him with a smile.

"You just kissed me." Kirin smirked.

"I had to make the first move, you were taking too long." Frances spoke cockily, pulling her hood up and walking off, leaving the boy to chase after her wanting more.


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