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"AFTER BO WAS bitten, we all decided it was best to stay on the cliff. Scotty wrapped up Bo's leg and tried to comfort him." Frances explained.

The girl looked around the room, hoping that they would call it time and let her go back to her room to rest. She had been sat in the same room day in, day out. She hadn't exactly had a chance to rest yet.

"We fell asleep pretty fast, we just wanted it to be morning again so that we could kill that thing." Frances ran her tongue over her bottom lip. "Look, I'm exhausted, can I just go back to my room?"

"Not yet."

Frances just scoffed in response, putting her head in her hands. She felt like she was going insane. She hadn't seen her family yet or anyone other than the three detectives and Kirin.


Frances wasn't exactly paying much attention to what Scotty was saying about how to kill the jaguar, instead she was stood watching Kirin's muscles as he did pushups. She had to remind herself now to allow her mouth to fall open from how hot she found him right now.

"This is the play you want us to run?" Kirin questioned, snapping Frances out of her trance. She looked over to Ivan, who held a small smug smile on his face. "I don't even know what I'm looking at here."

"It looks like a human cell." Josh cut in, letting go of a small chuckle. "Like how we had to draw it in biology? Is that a ribosome right there?"

Frances allowed herself to smile, she liked Josh. He was smart and always wanted to talk facts. Frances liked facts. With facts you could never go wrong.

"That's obviously the jag!" Scotty seemed slightly offended that no one else was able to see his jaguar drawing clearly. "Bo, is that not obviously the jag?"

"I wouldn't say obviously?" Bo shrugged, making Frances have to stifle a laugh.

"Can't just run up and stab it, dawg." Kirin pointed out. "This isn't the hood."

Frances began to anxiously chew on her bottom lip, wondering how Scotty was going to react to the statement.

"The hood? Bitch you don't know my life." Scotty snapped. "For all you know I could live in one of those red brick, hood rick or treating type communities."

"He doesn't." Bo shook his head.

The blonde looked around at the island, desperately hoping that each day would be their last. She wanted to go home to Phineas and her mom.

Frances sat down slowly, pulling the sweater closer around her body as she could feel Seth's eyes on her. She felt sick to her stomach whenever he looked at her, it was as if he was slowly undressing her with his eyes.

"Okay, well if my idea sucks let's see you come up with one on your own." Scotty shrugged, no longer willing to give his help. "Or would that make your jalopy-ass brain overheat? You fucking dumb-dumb?"

"The fuck did you just call me?" Kirin questioned, slowly standing up.

"You heard me big bird ass bitch." Scotty continued, not feeling intimidated by Kirin.

The girl let out a small sigh, standing back up and stepping in front of Kirin. She placed her hand on his chest and slowly shook her head.

His eyes softened as he looked down at her. All his anger slowly fizzling away when he placed his attention on her.

"Alright guys, just chill. Everyone's got a point here right?" Seth questioned as he walked up to the group.

Frances didn't even try to hide her discomfort this time. Instead she took a rather large step back and hid herself behind Kirin and Bo.

"Kirin's right. A direct attack would probably be a suicide mission. But Scotty, you're definitely onto something with the spears. Easily our best bet weapons wise. Badges what do you say?" Seth turned to face Henry.

"Well, whatever we do it's got to be from a distance. We don't have any long range firearms. Guess that means a trap." Henry shrugged, looking up to his brother.

"I don't know what I'm imagine is a legit thing or just some Indiana Jones bullshit," Seth began. "but what is we like make a thatch trap that the jag could like fall through?"

Frances rolled her eyes at the boy and instead turned to face Kirin. His arms were folded, causing his muscles to bulging. The blonde was distracted ever so slightly, which Kirin quickly noticed. He sent her a playful wink and pursed his lips slightly.

She missed the way his lips felt against hers. It was only a brief movement that they shared, but she longed for his lips to be connected with hers once again.

Subconsciously, she brought her fingers up to touch her lips. She could still feel the way he move in sync with her. She could feel the way he pulled her in by the small of her back. Everything. It was all Kirin.

"Holy shit." Seth chuckled, bring Frances back to her senses, now giving the boys her full attention once again. "Did we just do this? Did we just figure this thing out? Cause I feel like we figured this fucking thing out!"

Everyone allowed a smile to beam across their faces, all except Frances. She looked up to Kirin once again, who seemed happy enough with their plan.

"Guys, bring it in. I know it's super cheesy, but humour me, please." Seth shook his head, placing his hand out in front of him.

Frances looked at everyone's hands in the middle. She didn't want to put her hand in. She felt like if she did that she would be agreeing with Seth and his actions.

Kirin noticed the way that the girl stepped back, so he out stretched his arm and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her closer, hoping that it would make her feel more comfortable.

"Kill the motherfucking jag!" Everyone shouted before they decided to separate to ensure that the plan went ahead.

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