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   "KIRIN FOUND OUT that day, and I was so sure he was going to kill Seth for what he did to me and Josh." Frances breathed.

She watched the detectives closely as they took down notes and began to piece together the events that happened on the island.

"I don't think I would have stopped him if he tried." The girl half heartedly chuckled. "I wanted Seth to pay."

There was a silence that filled the room when Frances stopped talking.

"I want to see Kirin again, please."

D A Y    S E V E N T E E N

Half an hour into the walk, Frances checked to make sure that no one else was around before lowering her hood and letting down her hair. She let go of a deep breath.

"What are you doing?" Kirin questioned, his eyes widening once he saw the girl. He glanced to Josh, who didn't seem shocked but instead continued walking.

"He knows." Frances whispered. "Josh helped me out the other day." Kirin's eyes flickered between the pair and nodded. He extended his hand, which the girl hesitated for a moment before taking. "We need to go to the waterfall."

"Baby, that's your place-"

"We need water more than I need a place." Frances reminded Kirin. "To the waterfall."

Kirin was hesitant. He didn't want Frances to feel like she had no where to go when she needed time to be herself. But he also understood how badly they all needed water.

The trio continued their hike up the mountain and to the waterfall. She kept glancing back to Josh, who was a few paces behind them, but Frances knew that was because he didn't fully trust anyone anymore.

Kirin removed his shirt and dove into the water without any hesitation. Frances smiled at the boy as he swam in the waterfall. She just sat on the edge of the rock beside Josh, and pulled her knees into her chest.

"Franny, come and get in." Kirin stopped swimming to look at the girl. She hadn't ever hesitate before. But then again, it had been a while since she went to the waterfall with him. So, he wondered if something had chances.

"I'm okay, looks nice today." She whispered gently.

"Josh, get in." Kirin ran his hand through his hair as Josh filled up the bottles. "Franny, come on. Josh will turn around. Right Josh?"

Frances glanced between the two boys, she didn't want Kirin to see her burns from Seth. She didn't want him to over react or think differently of her. She had managed to keep the rapes a secret. She wanted them to stay like that.

"It's not Josh i'm worried about." She nervously chuckled.

"Surly it's not me." Kirin stepped closer to the girl, his hands resting on her thighs, making her shuffle back in response. "Baby?"

"I don't think she wants to get in." Josh announced, making Frances smile in his direction. But instead it turned Kirin's attention onto him.

"You come and get in then, Josh." Kirin paused, walking over to the boy. "It feels fucking amazing. Oh, you're getting in." Kirin was been playful as he raced up to Josh to pull him into the water. "Come on, don't be such a little bitch, Joshy, i'm telling you, you'll be reborn."

Kirin laughed, pulling up Josh's shirt to reveal the red rash that Seth had caused. Josh pushed Kirin off, making the boy stumble away.

"Whoa, What is that on your stomach?" Kirin questioned. His eyes flickered over to Frances. He noticed the way that she lowered her head and avoided eye contact.

"It's nothing. It just happens sometimes when I drink, especially beer. It's just, it's gluten. It'll go away." Josh stammered, trying desperately to cover up what actually happened.

"Jesus, why are you like this?" Kirin's eyes widened. "We literally can't get a single win-"

"Kirin, stop." Frances stood up and walked over to Josh, in hopes to provide him some comfort.

The blonde girl pulled the boy back slightly, which didn't go unnoticed by Kirin, causing him to continue to ramble on about what Seth said about Josh, which made Josh start shouting and crying.

"Josh, Josh. Its okay." Frances tried to comfort the boy, pulling him back into a tight hug. "You're safe."

She just wanted to feel safe herself. Her eyes flickered to Kirin, who's brows furrowed as he slowly started to piece everything together.

"Franny? Lift up your shirt." He ordered.

"No." Frances shook her head, taking a step back and releasing Josh from her grip.

"Baby. I'm not fucking playing. Lift up your shirt." Kirin pointed, going to jump and grab the girls jumper to lift it up, but she jumped back.

"No." Frances' eyes filled with unshed tears, she frantically began to shake her head. "No. Please."

"No. No. No." Kirin shook his head, running his hand over his face in disbelief. "Show me."

Frances gulped, knowing that Kirin wouldn't rest until he saw. So, she closed her eyes and slowly lifted up her shirt, revealing the burns that was left from the lighter, the finger print bruises from where his hands touched her body.

"It's not as bad as it seems." She whispered, she daren't look Kirin in the eyes incase he thought badly of her, like maybe he thought it would be her fault? Maybe she asked for it?

"Tell me everything."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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