26 | burn

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To say I slept like a log was an understatement. As soon as my eyes had closed, I hadn't moved for the next 10 hours. My shoulders had lost the previous tension sometime during the night, and I willingly pulled myself out of the bed.

Not bothering to change out of my pajamas, I brush my teeth and trot down the stairs. I frown when I don't see anyone in the kitchen.

"There she is," a voice exclaims. I squeal, glaring daggers at Arrow, who's resting on the couch with a book. "You slept great, I presume."

I drop down on the couch next to him. "Where are the others?"

"Lilah and Kiernan went out to get groceries, and Merrick and Kohler are downstairs playing video games." He glances at his phone and smirks. "I must have tired you out. You slept past noon."

Ducking my head to hide my flaming cheeks, I say, "Shut up." My stomach rumbles. "I'm starving." My eyes catch on to the perfect plate of chocolate covered strawberries resting atop the coffee table. Could I have one? The thought of biting into a juicy, chocolatey strawberry makes my mouth water.

Arrow snickers beside me. "If you want one, take one."

I smile widely, reaching over to grab the largest one and sink my teeth into it. The flavors of sweet strawberry and milk chocolate flood my mouth. "Mhm," I murmur, staring at the half bitten strawberry like it's gold. "I haven't had one of these in forever."

I finish off the rest before licking my fingers to get rid of the chocolate stains. He stares at me, probably because I just finished off the strawberry like a Neanderthal, but I ask, "What?" anyway.

"You have chocolate on your lips," he says, leaning forward. Gently, so so gently, he brings his thumb and runs it across my lower lip, applying slight pressure. Then, he gets up, shuts his books, and says, "I'll be in the basement." He winks, brings his thumb to his mouth, and disappears.

I blink, trying to wrap my mind around what just happened, when the front door clicks open. "Hey, girlie," Lilah chirps, three grocery bags looped around her arm. Kiernan follows her, holding drinks.

"Hi," I respond, standing up. "Do you need help?"

She shakes her head and places the bags on the counter. "I do need help understanding how you managed to sleep past noon."

My face flared. "I was just... uh... really tired. Practicing dance tired me out." And other things.

Lilah looks at me quizzically before shrugging. "Okay," she murmurs. "Anyway, we're making smores at the campfire tonight. And staying up till the New Year's countdown. And drink mucho booze."

I laugh, giving her a mock salute. "Got it." She pops open a can of beer and takes a generous sip, winking after swallowing.

Confused, I quirk a brow. "I thought that was for tonight."

Lilah giggles, shaking her head. "There is never not a time for booze."


The night nears quickly. Since all of us were too lazy to actually make something, we had just ordered a bunch of pepperoni and cheese pizza boxes. The smell of them wafted through the living room.

I was bundled up for the cold air outside, but I still tried to look cute. I had put on a black turtleneck and matching black jeans, along with a trench coat and ankle length boots. I finger the necklace Rowan gave me all those years ago, and a pang rings through my heart.

"Hey," Lilah murmurs. "You look so cute!" She tugs me towards the front of the house where the others are. We file out of the house and the chilly atmosphere outside bites and nips at my skin.

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