Chapter 13

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Changbin POV

  I saw Seo-Yeon look our way then look away. "This is gonna work I promise." I whispered to Minho and Seungmin. They both nod and smirk. "We just need a way for them two to be together." Minho said. "I'll see if we can lore Jisung, Jeongin and Chan away since they don't really care for farriswheels. After, it'll be us then Hyunjin and Seo-Yeon can be together." Seungmin said and smiled.

  "Exactly. I'll tell Chan since he knows how much they like the games better than the farriswheel." I said and looked at Minho and Seungmin and they both nodded.

  After we all eat our snacks, I go to Chan. "Hey, do you wanna take Jeongin to play games?" I say as I take out my wallet and hand Chan a twenty dollar bill. "Uh, yeah sure." Chan says then looks at Jeongin. "Let's go play games." Chan said and smiled at Jeongin. Jeongin nodded.

Seo-Yeon POV

  I look at Chan and Jeongin. "Where are y'all going?" "Oh, to play games. Wanna come?" Chan says. I shake my head and smile. "No thanks, I wanna ride more rides." Chan nods. "Can I hang with them? Will you be fine with everyone else?" Jisung says looking at me. I nod and smile. "Yeah! Have fun!" I smile at him and he smiles at me then takes off with Jeongin and Chan. "Wait for me!" Felix says as he runs after them as well.

  A few minutes later, I'm walking with Hyunjin, Minho, Changbin, and Seungmin. "What ride now guys?" Changbin says looking around. "I'm not sure..." Seungmin says. We walk by the farriswheel and look at it. "Wanna ride that?" Minho says. "Yeah that's fine." I say smiling. We wait in line and I have my back faced towards the boys since I'm looking to see how many people can ride.

Minho POV

  I smile and nudge Hyunjin's arm and whisper to him. "Now is the time." Hyunjin looked at me confused then looked away in Seo-Yeon's direction then back at me. I think he got it.

  He shook his head then turned red. I nodded and smirked. "Yes." He sighed then looked at the ride.

Seo-Yeon POV

  "Okay so it says only two people for the ride. Who's riding with who?" I say looking at them. "I wanna ride with Minho." Changbin says then Seungmin looks at us. "I'm gonna let my food settle a little bit longer so I'll wait here for y'all." He smiles. I nod then look at Hyunjin. "Looks like it's us that's riding together." I smile at him. He nods and smiles and I see his red blushing face.

  "Are you okay?" I ask him. He nods. "It's just hot..." he chuckled a bit. I smile and get on the car with him when it's our turn. Once we get inside, start making our way to the top. We have simple conversations about how we're doing and this and that then we get to the top. "Wow, it looks really pretty, especially since the sun is about to set." I say and smile looking out the sides of the farriswheel. He smiles and looks at me. "Not as pretty as you though." I look at him then he looks away and blushes. "S-Sorry!" I giggle a bit, "Thanks, and it's okay!" He smiles at me.

  We sit at the top for a while then he looks at me. "Can I ask you something? Or do something?" He says. I look at him and nod. "Yeah what is it?" I look back to the sunset then at him. "Did you know that you're...pretty...?" He looked at me shyly. I blushed. "Well, I guess..." I chuckled a bit. "How co-" Before I could finish I was cut off, by his lips on mine.

Chan POV

  Jeongin, Jisung, Felix and I were playing games and having a good time. We decided to sit down and count how many prizes we had. I had one, Jisung had two, Felix had three and Jeongin had five. My guy was ballin'.

  Jisung looked at Jeongin, Felix and I. "I'm gonna tell y'all something. Well I kinda told Chan already but I'm gonna tell you Jeongin and Felix okay?" They both nodded. He went on and explained to them both how he had a crush on Seo-Yeon. How his crush had lasted since he was like seven. He also explained how she was here and he didn't want to loose his chance with her. He also explained that he kissed her! Get it Jisung! He looked at us and smiled shyly then looked up. "I want to give her a stuffed animal and sit with her on the farriswheel. I don't want to confess or make it official yet even though we kissed, but just take it slowly ya know?" He said with a starry gaze in his eyes.

  Jeongin and Felix clapped their hands and smiled. "YES YOU SHOULD!" They both said in sync. I smiled and bro-fived Jisung. "Yes you should! Like you said, take it at your own pace. Little by little is the way to go." I said to him. He nodded and smiled.

Seo-Yeon POV

  Hyunjin and I'd lips were on each other. We kissed. We pulled away then looked at each other. We were both blushing then he looked at me. "S-Sorry, but I wanted to do it soon..." he looked down. I smiled a bit, "It's fine, just a bit...shocking..." I smiled a bit and looked at him. The farriswheel was making its way down then we both got off. Changbin and Minho got off too then we went to Seungmin. "How was the ride guys?" Seungmin said. "Pretty good!" Minho said. "What about y'all?" Seungmin said to Hyunjin and I. "It was good." I smiled. Hyunjin smiled a bit and looked away shyly.

Changbin POV

  I looked at Seungmin and Minho and smirked. It worked!

Seo-Yeon POV

  A little while later, we were walking back to meet Chan, Jisung, Jeongin and Felix. I was in shock. I couldn't believe Hyunjin had kissed me! It was a weird feeling...I've liked Jisung for all these years and I feel like I betrayed him. I felt a mix of emotions because of the kiss I experienced with Jisung and then now with Hyunjin.

  We met up with the rest of the guys and Jisung smiled at me. "Wanna ride the farriswheel?" He smiled and looked at the farriswheel then me.

[a/n- ahhh whatcha think!!! what's gonna happen now💔🙈 <3 dani kinda long but suspenseful!]

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