Chapter 38

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I was about to leave when Felix reached out to grab my hand. "Maybe you shouldn't say anything, since you know he didn't." He said. I nodded. "Okay, I'll just go check on him." I smiled. Felix nodded and I went up to the rooftop.

I opened the door and saw Jisung sleeping. 'Aw, he looks so peaceful.' I smiled to myself. I went back downstairs then went to my class.

Chan POV

  I went with Jeongin into the courtyard. "Okay, we need to do something to like basically get back at Minho and Seungmin for hurting Jisung and Seo-Yeon, ya know?" I said to him. He nodded, "Yeah, but what?"

  I shrugged. "Hmm..." I thought to myself before I gasped. "I remember Hyunjin mentioned something to me about Minho having a girlfriend or something." I said. "For real? I'm surprised he can get someone." I laughed at his statement, "True."

  "Okay, well what do you plan on doing?" He asked. "I was thinking, maybe we pull off the same thing he did to Jisung, but we disguise Hyunjin to look like Seungmin so he can basically think Seungmin betrayed his trust and relationship boundaries by 'cheating' with Minho's girlfriend." I smirked.

  He nodded and smirked, "Great idea." "After school we'll meet at my place then go to Hyunjin's and go together okay?" I said, he nodded.

Jeongin POV

  After school ends, I'm walking down the sidewalk and feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn and see that it was Seungmin. "Hey, where ya headed?" He asked me. "Home? Why?" I asked.

  "Oh nothing, just wondering if you wanted to go to the arcade and played a lot of games with Minho and I." He smiled. I smiled widely and felt my eyes light up. "Really?! Oh my gosh! That sounds like fun! Yes!" I said jumping up and down.

  "Good! Let's go." He said smiling at me as we walked then went into the arcade.

  About a few minutes later, Minho had gotten there too. "You're gonna lose at the racing game." He smirked. "I'm not!" I pouted and ran towards the racing game. "You are!" I smiled.

  We played the racing game along with many other games, and before I knew it, about an hour and a half had passed. I looked down at my phone and saw that I had several texts from Chan. Oops.

  I got up. "I got to go, thanks for the fun though!" I smiled. "Where ya headed Jeongin?" Minho asked. "I have to go home, my mom needs help with something." I smiled. "Okay, cya." Seungmin smiled at me. I smiled and waved and ran out the door.

  I went to one of those bike rental shops and rented a bike. I went fast since I had completely forgot another meeting with Chan when I went over a huge bump and fell off the bike and landed flat on my face.

  "Ow..." I said as I got up. When I got up, I saw that Hyunjin was calling me.

Jeongin and Hyunjin Phone Conversation


"Hey! Has Minho or Seungmin
said anything to you yet? About the party
or anything?"

"Oh, no they haven't yet...
also, Chan and I are gonna
swing buy okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be here."


  I placed my finger on my lip and saw it was bleeding.

"Oh shoot, my lips bleeding!"

"What?! Are you good!"

"Yeah, biking

"Dummy, don't go fast."

"I won't mom."

  I said as I hung up. I put the bike back at another shop then walked to Chan's. Once I got there, he opened the door.

  "What the heck?! Why are you bleeding and have multiple scratches and scrapes?! Did Minho scratch you?!" He asked concerned. "No!" I chuckled. "I fell off a bike." I smiled a bit.

  "Oh, be careful!" He said as he messed up my hair. "Don't touch me!" I pouted. He chuckled then I placed my things down inside before we both left to Hyunjin's place.

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