Chapter 8: Hurt

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I'm confused.

For the past few days, I have been working hard at the internship with dad and training just as much with our Delta. I don't know why I thought this would be easier for me. Like somehow I'd be more prepared. I am prepared, sure. But it's incredibly difficult.

For once, I'm exhausted every single day. Not only do I have school full time, I have to rush back to the pack house for more learning and then head back to the center for warrior training. On top of it all, I still have wrestling practice at school.

Honestly, I'm beat. If I weren't a werewolf, I wouldn't be able to get up in the morning from the exhaustion. There comes a point where enough is enough.

Sadly, that point is far from reached. I'm nowhere near done with any of these. And I'm not about to throw in the towel. I'd rather die first, to be honest. So I endure.

However, the more time I spend with Jack, the harder it is to hate him. And it's not like he doesn't help his case by calling me Beta any chance he gets. Of course, he doesn't call me that in front of my dad, he's not stupid.

And it does get to me every time, which is why he calls me that in the first place, to annoy me. But after a while, it loses its power. By Friday, I'm used to this and it doesn't bother me. Correction, it does. But not to the point it makes me hate him.

It doesn't help that he gives me a ride to training everyday without complaining. Back and forth. He's not nice to me along the way, but he doesn't complain or throw it in my face.

We fight every single day at training. I best him. He beats me. We learn from each other. It's good to boast the first few times, but it gets boring after a while. Like I said, I'm running out of reasons to hate the guy.

And even though he dates my sister, he never talks about her to me or make callous remarks. Or lewd comments to rattle or destabilize me, which he could easily do.

But he doesn't. I guess he does like her and he is a nice guy. Fuck! This would be so much easier if he wasn't, wouldn't it be? Yes, he said what he said that fateful first day, no doubt brought by Mr. Mathews' announcement. But there isn't a teenage werewolf on Earth that doesn't think about completing the bond with their mate, even before they meet them. So, it's not like I can fault him there.

I do think about it as well. Yes, I do have a fling with Elsa but she's terrified of getting an unmated pregnancy. Even though there's something called condoms nowadays. Of course, that's not to say we never did the deed. But it's too rare and far between to count.

Still, I can't complain. There are boys who never do it before mated at 18. Honestly, I'm too horny to wait. And if I were Stonehold, with all the girls vying to be his Luna, I'd probably be sleeping around. No doubt about it.

"Are you listening to me, son?" - Dad snapped me out of my thoughts. We're at his office for the internship. It's Friday. I'm just so tired at this point, I must have dozed off for a second.

"Yes, dad. Sorry, you were saying that you don't control the pack budget. You only manage it." - I replied, a little embarrassed.

"No, I said nothing of the sort. I said that I plan and manage the budget, but it has to be approved by the Elder Council. Keep your head in the game, son. You're being evaluated." - Dad chastised me, making Jack giggle in amusement.

Dad continued his lesson, explaining more about his role as Alpha, which is much less glamorous than I thought. Honestly, he's underpaid. Not that my sister and I want for nothing. We live comfortably, there's just no luxury. But then again, neither did Stonehold had any. And his dad had much more wealth than mine.

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