Chapter 9: Closer

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I got checked out by a doctor at the county hospital and got discharged after taking a CT scan to make sure nothing broke or ruptured in my head.

No, the only thing that ruptured was my ego for allowing that turd to hurt me the way he did. But I knew he didn't do it on purpose. I just lost my balance, that's all. I mean, it's not all. I was kicked by him and therefore I lost my balance and knocked my head into the ground hard.

But I don't blame him anymore than he would me if the roles were reversed. It's just an unfortunate turn of events, simply put it.

But try explaining that to my uncle. He has called Tyler everything from psychopath to deranged. He was furious about it. I tried to say that we were just training and it wasn't a big deal, but he wouldn't listen. He said Tyler won't rest until he kills me. Yes, those exact words. Directed to a teenager for Goddess' sake.

Grandpa also came to visit me with grandma. They stayed for dinner with us and talked at length with Gus and myself. Grandpa also looked worried for me. Especially with that nasty bump on my head. I was lucky it didn't require stitches, but it isn't pretty.

That coupled with our previous fight doesn't bode well for Tyler. Even though I said it was an accident. But who would believe it?

Of course, Sarah called me as soon as she found out. We also talked for a long time. She said she almost slapped Tyler herself but I told her it wasn't his fault. I mean, he didn't do it on purpose this time. Not that she believed me. No one did apparently.

It's like the boy who cried wolf. No one would believe it was an accident, not even Tony. Who knows, maybe if I wasn't there myself I wouldn't believe it too. It's like I said before: reputation is everything in our business.

It's the only thing that takes a lifetime to build and a second to destroy.

When I woke up on Saturday, I was feeling much better. The headache was gone, thank Goddess. I had a nasty one since my head bumped into the ground yesterday. The doctor offered me some pain medication but I refused to take anything stronger than ibuprofen.

Aunt Lidia checked my curative and it was healing nicely. We're having a quiet breakfast as I'm not in the mood for much talk. Plus, I'm still very much exhausted from my intense week of training. And it's only week one. There's still plenty more to come, Goddess helps me.

"Do you think the Council will rule in Jack's favor now, dad?" - Tony asked his father while  we're eating breakfast. I got wide eyed at his question, though I shouldn't be surprised at this point. We talked about it a lot already with my grandparents.

"If they don't, I seriously doubt what would persuade them." - Gus replied in a sour mood. Then, he took a drink of his coffee.

"That's not what I wanted. I only wish to earn my spot." - I chimed in, also not happy about it.

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