Chapter 20: Let's Talk About Sex

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After we left the first class, we went to the hall where the entire school population was (still) giggling and staring at me and Jack.

Honestly, what the fuck? Seriously, why would the principal say that on the fucking speaker system throughout the entire school?

I mean, come on! Really? Did he forget this is a school and kids are mean?


The first 3 classes went by and every time we went to another one, there were people staring and giggling at us. At some point, enough is enough.

However, the real gag was when we reached the gym for wrestling practice.

"I'm sorry, you're both benched from practice." - Coach informed us, looking at me and Jack with a dead serious expression on his face.

"What? Why? Did someone complain?" - Jack glared at him, nervously.

"No one complained, no. But because of your heat, you can't exert physical activities. It can bring out fits of rage or violence and I can't risk the physical integrity of the other players in the team." - He explained to us in a somber tone.

"Yes, I get why I can't be practicing. But why not Jack?" - I asked with a curious look.

"Yeah, there's something called rut. It's the equivalent of heat among males. I had to look it up yesterday. Bottom line is the Alpha also gets affected by it, just differently. So, I can't risk you hurting one of the boys either." - Coach elaborated. He's not joking as one could tell by his facial expression. He looked worried, just not for us per say.

I've never even heard of rut before in my life, but until yesterday I thought only (cis) girls get heat. So...

"Are you sure about this, coach?" - Jack asked him in a questioning tone.

"Positive, Alpha. You're both excused from practice until I hear otherwise. You can go to the library to research rut if you want. Please excuse me." - His tone broke no argument. He turned around and focused on the boys training at the gym.

"This is a new one. Have you ever heard of this rut? I feel totally fine. I'm not aggressive at all." - Jack defended himself, still in disbelief.

"No, I haven't. But I doubt he would be making such a specific thing up. If he wanted, he could use other arguments." - I argued in a serious tone.

Jack looked at me with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

"So, what do you want to do? Do you wanna go to the library and research heat?" - He turned to me with a curious look.

"I'm so glad you asked. Follow me!" - I told him with a commanding voice and left the gym.

I walked to the other side of the school, Jack following me behind looking puzzled. Near one of the school labs there's an unisex bathroom for people with disability. But since this is a werewolf town, there isn't anyone with physical disability. Learning, yes. Neuro diverse, sure. Physical, not so much.

I entered it with Jack to the isolated place and he looks baffled at me.

"What are we doing here? Are you experiencing any symptoms? Do you wanna do drugs?" - He looked at me confused.

I snorted at his last question.

"No, I don't wanna do any drug. And no, I'm not experiencing any symptoms, I'm fully aware!" - I informed him trying hard not to laugh, but failing.

I pushed him to the bathroom wall with my mouth on his lips, caging him in. He frowned at first, but quickly got into the groove.

I pressed all of my body against him as we kissed and I start running my hand trough his upper torso, craving some skin contact.

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