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Dean and Camille were in the electrical room. They were just done discussing the angle that Camille and The Shield had tonight. Dean was going to face Kane tonight and be booked to win, but Dean has had a lot in his mind and he figured that this would be the moment to express his feelings.

"Camille, I really need to talk to you." Dean said to Camille, who was just finished applying lip-gloss on her lips.

Camille, who had a pretty concerned look on her face, approached Dean, "What's wrong, Dean?"

"I honestly can't wait until Extreme Rules to say this..."

"What can't wait until Extreme Rules?" Camille asked confused.

Dean approached closer to Camille, "Camille, I'm really infatuated with you." He admitted.

Camille looked at him shocked, "What?"

"I've had my eyes on you ever since I came to NXT..."

"Where are you going with this?" Camille asked worried.

"Camille, I like you a lot." Dean flat out said. "And I know you do too-"Camille cupped Dean's cheeks and went in for a deep kiss. Dean kissed her back as he kissed her harder. Dean backed her against the wall and the kiss started getting deeper and deeper. Dean began to suck on her neck as Camille moaned loudly. Dean covered her mouth with his hand and began biting Camille's neck as you could still hear Camille moaning in pleasure. Dean slid Camille's top off and began kissing her chest. Camille moved Dean's lips from her chest to her lips before ripping off his protective vest and throwing it on the ground, and then taking off the sports tank top he had under his vest. Dean placed Camille over a table, unbuttoned her pants and slid them off along with the underwear that she had on. Dean began to unbuckle his belt and but when he went to look back at Camille, Camille was gone and he turned around and saw Camille's dad, Shawn standing there with a furious look on his face.

"I told you to stay away from my daughter. You're only interested with stealing her innocence and enhancing your career. After what you just did, consider your career over!" Shawn exclaimed in a furious way.

Dean quickly opened his eyes and rubbed them. He looked around the room and he was in the hotel room and not at the electrical room in the arena. That was all a dream and Dean couldn't be more relieved. Lately, he's been having dreams about Camille and him. This was the most proactive dream that he had yet and he didn't know how long he could pretend being Camille's friend. Dean wanted more than a friendship, but, he wasn't a relationship kind of guy. He's never been in a relationship before, but somehow he knew that he would want his first serious relationship to be with her. Dean heard the door open and he sees Camille.

"Dean, good you're a wake. Just wanted you to know that Seth, Roman, I and a few of my friends are going sight seeing. You want to come?" Camille asked Dean, who was just recovering from the intense dream he had.

"Um... sure, I'll be there in a bit." Dean replied as he tried to shake his head of all the sick thoughts of the dream.

"Dean, are you okay?" Camille asked worried as he approached Dean.

"Yeah, I'm just had-"Dean stuttered. "A bad dream?" Camille interjected.

"Uh yeah..." Dean said as Camille hugged him. "Just focus on what makes you happy." Camille advised.

Dean formed a smile on his face, "I can thing of one thing." He said, referring to Camille.

Camille formed a smile on her face, "Good, now get ready." She ordered as she walked out the door.

Camille was staying with Dean, Seth and Roman because they had the last four room suite in the hotel. Camille likes having her own room and Seth offered her the spare room they had. Dean was very irritated that Seth was doing things without his consultation, but then Dean thought, he would love to see Camille in parts of the night and grew to the idea.

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