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"So you see, my parents think that I am this 'perfect daughter', but they don't know me at all."

Camille was watching the CD disk of her rebellious- depression days on her laptop, where she would do private live streams of herself bitching about her life. This was four years ago, when the bad began to happen. When she entered the WWE, she demanded that all the CD disks of her live streams be burned or it will make her look bad. She was in complete shock that David Kapoor got his hands on another CD disk. And David was the one to use it as blackmail. All Camille had to do was get Dean upset or angry, which would result Kapoor getting inside his head. This broke Camille's heart, but she had to protect her name or watch her reputation get worse.

"There are days where I just want to end my life. Where I just want to run away from being the daughter of Shawn Michaels and be Camille. I want to make my name heard. I want to be accepted for who I am and I want someone to love me for who I am." A fourteen year old Camille explained as tears started to fall from her face. "I need help."

Camille's eyes were watering because of watching the video of herself. She couldn't believe that this was her. She couldn't believe that she was this girl. Camille's almost nineteen and she's in disbelief watching this.

"Camille." Punk raced into the room to find Camille crying onto her pillow.

"I can't watch this video anymore." Camille sobbed.

"I told you to burn it, not watch it." Punk retorted as ejected the video out of the laptop.

"I was that girl once. Why did I let myself be that girl?" Camille asked Phil, while Phil wiped tears from her face.

"Be proud of the woman you have become; a strong, independent, intelligent and beautiful young woman." Punk encouraged her softly.

"I fucking hate Kapoor for making me do this. How could I have been so selfish? Dean probably hates me for what I did to him." Camille looked down in shame.

"Kapoor put you in a difficult situation. I would have done the same thing if I was in your shoes. Camille, you have been fighting this battle with no success. Just like that little girl in the video: you need help." Phil explained to her as Camille looked up at him.

"I do need help.... I need Dean."

Dean was at his hotel room with Roman in Chicago. Dean wanted his own hotel room, so he can recollect his thoughts. Dean was attempting to get into contact with Camille.

"Come on Camille, pick up." Dean pleaded with the phone against his ear. It went straight to voicemail. "Camille, it's Dean...again. I know this is like the tenth time I've called in the past two days, but we need to talk. So, if you get this voicemail, can you call, text, anything so I know you're okay? I really need to hear from you." He asked before hanging up his phone.

"Are you calling her again?" Roman bluntly asked Dean, which got his attention.

"No." he lied. "I'm just- I am just..." Dean stuttered with his words.

"You really miss her." Roman concluded as a small smile formed on his face. "You really miss her."

Dean rolled his eyes arrogantly. "I do miss her." He confessed as he took a seat on the couch. "RAW was horrible Monday. The Smackdown taping was a disaster last night. It was so fucking obvious that we weren't in sync last night and the whole arena saw it." Dean looked down and shook his head in disappointment.

"You guys looked suspicious last night. I knew something was up with the both of you. Why didn't you tell us that you guys had a fight?" Roman asked him as he joined him on the couch.

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