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Two Years Later

"You two really went through a lot and I mean a lot of obstacles." Jim Ross stated as he looked at the couple that was across from him, who told him the story of the first few months of their relationship.

Jim Ross was doing an exclusive interview about the rough first few months of their relationship. Jim Ross was the perfect man to do this interview because he was the one that wouldn't pressure them with the hard-hitting questions.

"Love is an obstacle. There is no rule book for love, and never said that it was going to be easy to be in love." Camille explained to him as she looked at Dean.

"When I arrived onto the main roster about two years ago, I knew that I would have to jump hurdles to be a champion. It never crossed my mind that I would be jumping hurdles for a girl. I never knew that I would go to ends of the Earth to protect her." Dean explained as he entwined his fingers in Camille's.

"With WWE couples, it somehow ends up being very controversial. You two weren't different from couples like Edge and Lita and Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. There would always be backstage drama with WWE couples, and it wouldn't always end up happy. How the hell do you manage to be together, even after everything that went on?" Jim Ross asked with such curiosity in his voice.

Camille looked at Dean, unsure of what to say. "Do you know how we managed to stay together after everything?"

Dean shrugged his shoulders, unsure about what to say either. "Love conquers all?" he suggested.

"I suppose that's it—love conquers all, JR. Love conquers all." Camille stated.

"You two seem to be one of the most sincere individuals that I have ever interviewed. You two really do love each other and I praise you from that." Jim Ross commended them.

The praised made Dean and Camille smile at him and nodded their heads. "Thank you."

"In the storyline, you two are not a couple anymore; The Shield broke up about a year ago. Dean, you're the top heel in the company, and Camille, you're the top face in the Divas Division. How does that work?" JR asked them.

"Opposites attract—when you look at us, we really do attract. We're not a perfect couple, we do have our flaws and we do get pissed off at one another, but we still love each other in the end." Dean explained as he leaned to kiss Camille's cheek.

"Have you two considered about tying the knot and getting married anytime soon?" JR questioned them.

"I would love to get married, I'm ready to settle down—but I have no ring yet." Camille reveals her left ring finger to be empty, before putting it down.

"It might happen in the near future, but not right now." Dean hinted at to JR, which did go unnoticed with Camille.

"I can't believe that you're proposing to Camille tonight." Seth Rollins exclaimed to Dean in such astonishment. "She's going to be so happy about it."

"I knew that I saw this day coming, you two are meant for one another." Paige gushed as she smacked Dean's chest playfully.

"She's going to be so blown away by this whole thing!" Sasha Banks squealed as she jumped up and down.

For the past two years, Camille had got closer to Paige and Sasha from NXT developmental. When they got up the roster, Camille was the one to welcome them with open arms. She could have returned to being friends with AJ and Kaitlyn, but she knew that their friendship wouldn't be the same again. AJ, Kaitlyn and Camille do keep in touch, but they aren't much of besties as they were three years ago. Paige and Sasha had always been pretty loyal friends to Camille back in developmental, they even tried to warned her about Summer Rae, but she refused to listen to them.

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