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"Can't you believe the bullshit that comes out of her mouth?" Brie Bella asked her boyfriend, Daniel Bryan at their reserved table.

Daniel was still thinking over the accusations that Camille made about David Kapoor and unlike his girlfriend, he thinks he believes Camille. He was a victim of David Kapoor's manipulation and lies. He had to go against the script and injury Dean's eye on the match that he had with him a while back. He did it because he was going to throw accusations about him cheating on Brie to the gossip websites.

"I can't believe that Camille would lie and embarrass herself the way she did." Kaitlyn said in disbelief. "She just needs to get through her thick skull that Ambrose is trying to change her."

"I honestly agree, but, she sealed her fate. She chose that street dog over her loyal and trust worthy friends." Natalya spat at them.

"Ambrose is someone that Camille should have no business with. She may have survived this long, but I can't see this relationship lasting more than two months." Kane assured.

"I am honestly appalled to see Camille go out with this guy. I've known Camille ever since she was eight, and now she's almost nineteen and dating reckless guys. It's just wrong." Randy Orton stated and had a disgusted look on his face.

"And with the blackmail story with David Kapoor—it doesn't seem to add up to me. David is one of the nicest, kindest writers on the roster." Wade Barrett stated.

Daniel was angry about hearing these Superstars opinions on David Kapoor. Daniel was the only one that was a victim to David's manipulation and these people knew nothing about it. "Have any of you seen Ambrose or Camille around?" he questioned them.

"Who cares?" Kaitlyn stated. "But, have any of you seen Seth or Roman around? I haven't seen them in about twenty-minutes." she pointed out.

"And I haven't seen John or Punk anywhere." Randy pointed out.

"I've haven't seen Nikki ever since the party started." Brie pointed out, she didn't want to get anyone worried. "It's probably nothing." she said as she changed the subject. "Where are you planning on having the wedding, Nat?"

Daniel rose up from the chair that he sat on and escaped the group. He wanted to look for Ambrose, Rollins, Cena, Punk—anyone at all that knew about David Kapoor's manipulation. He walked all around backstage and pulled out his phone to call Phil. Suddenly, he heard a phone ring and began to track down the noise. He ended up by an exit, where he found Phil's phone on the floor, the screen was cracked. He picked up the phone and found a blood stain, behind the phone. Daniel knew that they were in trouble, but didn't know where they were. Daniel got his phone and began to call the police.

Camille slowly opened her eyes as the toxin started to leave her system. She tried to move her arms, but she was unable to because of being tied to a chair. She couldn't break herself free or anything, she was stuck. She looked around the environment that she was in. It looked like a basement or a storage room—she was still trying to gain back her memory from what transpired that she wasn't able to determine the actual location.

"Camille, are you awake?" Nikki whispered to her. Nikki and Camille were back-to-back in their chairs.

Nikki was bleeding on her forehead due to the impact of being hit with a champagne bottle. She was going to need some stitches after they escape from wherever they are.

"Yeah, where are we?" Camille whispered.

"We're in an abandoned building's basement. Summer Rae and AJ just left twenty minutes ago to find David Kapoor." Nikki pointed out, still keeping her voice low.

"Where's Dean? Where's Phil?" Camille asked her, worried out of her mind, but still keeping her voice low.

"We're right here." the voice of Punk echoed around the basement of the abandoned building.

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