Patreon Announcement

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Hello to all my lovely readers that I did not expect to have. No really. I can't believe that over 13,000 people have read this fanfiction and I've received a lot of super sweet comments about this and my other work. They really inspire me, especially when I have writer's block so thank you so much for the kind words. You all have no idea how much they mean to me.

As some of you might know, I'm currently in college and that is why I tend ot take long hiatuses on some of my stories. In addition to writing, I also do a lot of different types of artwork, like digital art and animation, traditional art (acryllic, watercolor, etc.), clay sculptures and more. The goal is to have more time to spend with art which might be a tad difficult when I graduate because of student debt. It would really mean a lot to me if you could support me on Patreon at

If you guys are interested, different tiers also have different perks. The highest one includes a piece from me in any medium of your choice (you could also DM on here or instagram @jaymo.tdg if you're interested.)

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