It's Time

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"Hey," Tori cooed as she nudged Andre's shoulder. He didn't seem to hear her. He continued to sit with his elbows on his knees, staring off into some mysterious void that seemed to be backstage with them. She had never seen Andre so spiritless. Tori knew something had happened, but he hadn't spoken a word to her all day.

"Andreeee," Tori tried a singsong voice. "Come oooon.  Talk to Auntie Tori."

"Hey guys!" Cat chirped as she bounced by on her anti-gravity boots. Andre didn't even have a remark.

"Andre," Tori nudged him gently. "Please tell me what's going on. Did something happen with Jade?" And then as if on cue, a dramatic bang from a closing door startled the two friends. They jerked their heads in the direction of the noise just in time to see Jade emerging from the backstage entrance. Even though she and Andre locked eyes for only a moment, the hurt in hers was too blatant to miss. She looked away and briskly stalked off. Tori gulped.

"What was that about?" She nervously asked. Andre saw no point in trying to hide. He had nothing left to lose. So he told Tori everything. And she sat there sulking when he finished.

"I can't help but feel like this is my fault," she spoke softly. "I'm the one who convinced you to tell her in the first place."

"Well you're not the one who kissed her in the first place," Andre sighed. "I know I've got no one but myself to blame for this."

"Beating up yourself up isn't going to do anything, Andre."

"Well what am I supposed to do?"

"The very thing you've been trying to avoid this whole time," it was clear that Tori had confused Andre. He started at her with his eyebrows furrowed. Then it dawned on him. And it was actually a pretty easy choice.

Andre had never been more nervous for any performance. He had no idea how he would perform with a certain angry partner of his. She hadn't spoken a word to him all day. But after talking with Tori, he made a promise to himself to make things right. That's the least he owed to Jade. They were right after Cat and Robbie, who performed an adorable rendition of Colbie Caillat's Falling For You. They took a bow while holding each other's hands as the crowd went crazy.

"Awww now wasn't that just the coconut's milk?" Sikowitz cooed after he sashayed onto the stage. The crowd stopped cheering, unsure of how to respond to that.

"Hmmm," the peculiar teacher pondered for a moment. "Aha!" He cleared his throat.

"We have some talented students hear don't we?" Everyone yelled, "Yeah!"

"And you all have been enjoying the concert so far, haven't you?" They roared, YEAH!"

"In that case, are you guys ready for the grand finale?" There was an explosion of "yeahs" that could've been heard on the other side of the country.

"Then for the final performance of tonight, I am proud to present.... Andre and Jade!" Andre's stomach did somersaults listening to the whooping and clapping of the crowd. As Sikowitz returned backstage, Andre told him, "I didn't know you planned for us to be the finale."

"I didn't either," Sikowitz shrugged. "I just put your names into a randomizer that Sinjin made." And then he trotted off. Andre stared him and shook his head then peaked at the stage and the waiting mass. He wondered where Jade could be.

"AHHH!" Andre cried as she appeared right by his side. He gulped and breathed, "I was just warming up the vocal cords." Jade ignored that.

"It's time," she said flatly. "Let's get this over with." She turned and walked to the stage and he followed her with determination. He was going to fix all of this. For her. He'd do anything for her. And he would prove that to her once and for all.

The tension between them was painstakingly clear that when they first started singing. Jade had none of her usual confidence and would not meet Andre's pleading eyes, who was so distracted that his natural flow was M.I.A. Instead of trying to sync with her, he embraced his feelings. He wanted to run his fingers through her hair as it blew in the breeze, and her lips to move against his as he watched them move to form the lyrics. He let those emotions take over as he sang with her.

Baby you should let me love you

He placed a hand on her knee.

Let me be the one to

He held her hand in his.

Give you everything you want and need

Then the traced the corner of her mouth with her thumb.

Baby good love and protection

She knew was something was different.

Make me your selection

And she was blushing profusely.

Show you the way love's supposed to be

She placed her hand on top of the one that was still on her cheek.

Baby you should let me love you
Love you
Love you....

The crowd erupted into applause as they both stood up, but he didn't hear it. He gawked at her for a just a second, then he pulled her into him. She gave a gasp of surprised, then leaned into him while wrapping her arms around his neck. The watchers went silent then shouted their praise, clapping even louder than before. Still, neither of them noticed. They were lost in each other. And it felt much better that they were no longer trying to hide it. When they finally pulled apart, he cooed, "Sorry that took me so long." Her beautiful eyes glittered.

"Better late than never," she whispered.

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