Harmonious Hypnotization

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"Why are you so nervous?" Jade asked Andre. They sat in the piano room in the school. Classes had finished about twenty minutes ago.

"Uh, I'm not nervous," Andre stated nervously. Jade chuckled.

"I don't know about you, but I'm having deja vu," she spoke casually.

"Oh are you?" Andre's shaky voice continued to betray him.

"Gimme your palm," Jade said suddenly with a sly smile.


"Don't be such a chicken. I did this the last time we worked together." Andre hesitated and then placed his hand in hers. She traced his palm with her finger and then tapped it lightly. It tingled pleasurably when she finished. Andre gave a small laugh.

"There's that deja vu you were talking about." Andre said Jade grinned at him.

"So, let's get down to business. Any song ideas yet?" Jade asked.

"Well of course," Andre announced. "I was thinking along the lines of classic R&B."

"I like that," Jade agreed. "Which one in particular, though?" Andre paused for a moment. Then his face lit up.

"I got it! Ahem," he began to play a melody on the piano that sounded all too familiar to Jade. She face palmed and sniggered as Andre sang: "I really wish that I could write the next line. My favorite letter's J. Tuna fish filet. I'm gonna wash my dog with some new shampoo."

"I believe it was blue shampoo last time," Jade was laughing a lot. And she ironically had been the one trying to get Andre to lighten up. When she was mid-way done chortling, she mustered, "Okay, seriously. We need to come up with a song to sing." Andre was gazed at her and became lost in his thoughts. He remembered how beautiful she looked when she sang to him the first time. Her beauty seemed to radiate even more when she laughed.

"Andre?" Jade's voice snapped him out of his reverie.

"Oh uh yeah um," Andre stammered and cleared his throat. "So, what I was actually thinking was Let Me Love You by Mario. You know it?"

"Oh yeah. I think. I know that one. It's been awhile, though. How about you start and I'll jump in when it comes back to me."

"Yoouuu want me to sing it first?"

"Yeeaaaah," Jade mused. "I'll jump in if I remember it." Jade would never tell him, but she knew the song perfectly. It reminded her of her ex Beck. The true love that she thought she had. She really preferred that Andre start this time.

"Okay," Andre agreed. He began to play the piano again, but for real this time. Jade observed him. His fingers slid over and tapped the keys so naturally,the melody could've been in sync with his heart beat. The music flowed from his fingers and seemed to flood the entire room. Then he began to sing.

"Baby you should let me love you,"
"Let me be the one to,"
"Give you everythang you want and need...."

If silk had a sound, Jade realized it would be his voice. She realized she hadn't really ever been this close to him while he was singing, let alone it ever being just the two of them. She could feel the intensity of all the heart and soul he put into his words. Then he stopped. Jade knew she'd been staring. And blushing.

"I thought you were gonna jump in," he said grinning.

"Oh um yeah. Right. I'm ready," Jade seemed less loose than she had been just a few minutes ago. "I remember now." This time they both sang the refrain together.

"Baby you should let me love you,"
"Let me be the one to,"
"Give you everythang you want and need,"
"Baby good love and protection,"
"Make me your selection,"
"Show you the way love's supposed to be,"
"Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you,"

The two did not know that their voices would blend so well. They sounded as if they were one entity. In fact, they were so lost in their harmony, they did not realize that they were leaning closer and closer, and soon enough, pressing their lips against each other's. Andre never knew Jade's lips were so soft and luscious. Jade could feel the same passion that awoken deep inside Andre when he was singing, the underlying passion just beneath his mouth. But they sprang apart before it could go any further, both of them breathing heavily. An awkward silence lingered between the teens for what felt like forever until Jade broke the silence.

"T-that was an interesting choice," she stammered as she cleared her throat. Andre in turn, attempted to slow his breathing.

"Y-yeah," his voice quavered a bit.

"So, um. I guess I'll catch up with you later so we can practice again." Andre didn't answer her; he just stared intently, as if there was something he wanted to say but didn't know how to. Jade turned her gaze downward and began to turn away from him. As soon as she did, he reached out and enclosed her hand within his. She let him pull her into another embrace. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he did around her waist. There was no harmonious hypnotization this time; when they broke apart, they parted slowly and calmly. Then they slowly untangled from each other's arms.

"I should get going," Jade breathed. Andre watched her as she left without a word. When she was gone, the perfect word finally came to him.

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