The Sit Down

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"TORIIIIIIIIIIII!" Andre hollered as he banged on Tori's door like a gorilla. Tori spazzed out and her bowl of popcorn went flying into the air, sending popcorn soaring into every direction.

"Aw gammit, Andre!" Tori groaned as she opened the door. However, she did not expect him to come bolting into her house and flopping face down onto her couch rather ungracefully. He began to emit muffled moans and groans.

"Okaaay, I'm confused but a little scared to ask," Tori stated simply. Andre continued to grouse into the pillow. Tori sighed and sat down next to his head and began to pat it.

"C'moooon," Tori urged softly. "Talk to Auntie Tori." Tori thought Andre answered; she could not tell, for all he did was emit muffled noise into the pillow. Tori had enough of the pillow. She promptly took another one off the couch and whacked his head with it.

"Awwww, Tori," Andre complained as he finally sat up.

"Thank you," she sounded exasperated. "Now I can understand you. If you didn't notice, I kinda don't do pillow talk." Andre rolled his eyes as a response.

"Now can you please tell me what's the matter with you?" Andre looked uneasily at Tori and then inhaled deeply.

"Tori, I'm a terrible person. And a flipping idiot."

"Andre, c'mon. Stop beating around the bush before I beat you with the pillow again."

"I kissed Jade," he finally blurted. Tori stared at him mouth agape. Andre stared at the ground, waiting for a response. Tori continued to goggle at him; her jaw seemed like it would hit the floor. When she finally spoke, she screamed, "YOU KISSED JADE?!" That's when they realized Trina was eavesdropping, for she came tumbling down the stairs like a tumbleweed. Neither of the teens paid her any mind, though. Andre was too distraught, and Tori was overcome with shock. Trina "quietly" snuck back up the stairs, her heels clanging with each step.

"I need some water," Tori mustered the strength to break the silence.

"Get me some too?" Andre requested. Tori looked at him incredulously then responded with an are-you-serious type of tone, "No."

Since Tori would not get Andre water, he convinced her to make him some Belgium hot chocolate.

"AUUGGHH!" Andre howled as he immediately tried to gulp it down.

"I told you not to try and gulp it down like that," Tori said matter of factly, feeling exhausted.
"Now can you please tell me why you kissed Jade?"

"Twice," Andre muttered.

"What did you just say?"

"We kissed twice,"

"TWICE?!" Tori gaped at him. Again.

"I believe we just went through this," Andre sighed. Tori began to make strange movements with her mouth, like she was trying to say something but did not know what.

"Twice. I know I'm going to regret this, but," Tori braced herself, "just tell me what happened." Andre took a deep breath and began his story, not leaving a single detail out. He told her about Jade doing her weird palm trick, both of them singing together, and then kissing out of the blue.

"The first time we kissed each other. The second time, I stopped her when she was about to leave and kissed her again."

"Why?" Tori made no attempt to hide her disbelief.

"Man, Tori, I don't know! I just don't know," Andre was a complete mess. "I can't believe I did that, Tor. Beck is one of my best friends and I kissed his ex. What's worse is I liked her when they were dating."

"No you didn't," Tori inquired.

"Huh?" It was Andre's turn to be confused now.

"You didn't like Jade before," Tori elaborated. "You were in love with Jade. That was already established. And you probably don't wanna hear this, but it's obvious now that you never really stopped loving her."

"Awwww man!" Andre cried. "Nah, Tori, don't say that! That's not true!"

"Andre, I'm sorry, but it's the truth. Do you have any other explanation?"

"No, but..." Andre sighed again. "If that's the case, if I was low key in love with Jade this whole time, I'm the scum of the Earth. Beck... He trusts me. He trusts me, and I kissed his friggin' girlfriend, Tori!" Andre began to sputter and massage his temples. It pained Tori to see her friend in such agony.

"Look, Andre," she began as she comforted him, "Calm down. You're not a bad friend. You may have loved Jade while she and Beck were dating, but you never did anything about it. You never tried to get in between them or break them up. Heck, when you 'sang to Jade' you made sure to make it anonymous. You're an amazing friend."

"Thanks, Tor," Andre laid his head on Tori's shoulder as she hugged him.

"Now about Jade herself," Tori paused as Andre groaned, "I'm thinking that..."

"You're thinking what?" Andre asked carefully.



"Maybe you should tell Jade how you feel."

"Aw, Tori!" Andre pulled away from her and laid down flat on his back. He covered his eyes with his hands.

"Don't, 'Aw, Tori,' me, Andre. You're getting wonky-"

"Willy wonky!" Andre interrupted. Tori rolled her eyes.

"And Beck and Jade aren't dating anymore. It's fair game. You're in much deeper now than you were last time. You kissed her. I don't think you'll feel better until you tell her how you feel."

"I don't know, Tori. How about-?"

"I really don't think writing her another song will do anything. And what's the point? She'll know it's about her this time." Tori waited patiently for a response; she waited for him to admit defeat. Andre sat up and rested his elbows on knees. Then he met Tori's eyes.

"Alright," he exhaled. "Fine. I'm going to head out now. Get ready for school tomorrow."

"Yeah. Good idea." Tori agreed. She walked him to the door, and it closed behind him with a soft thud.

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