Chapter 3

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          "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUMPED OFF A CLIFF!!!" Sophocles yelled through the screen. Cory grinned as he turned his head away from the screen, feeling some of the boy's spit coming through the device as they continued the video call. He then turned back and saw the rest of his classmates glare at him.

"You could have gotten really hurt," Lillie spat out as her eyes turned to daggers, her aura turning to flames of anger. "Or even worse..."

"Calm down guys," Cory said as he put his hand up to the screen, blocking him away from the heat. "Look at me, I'm still breathing. So I'm fine."

"I think it's pretty cool what he did..."

"You're not helping," Lana interrupted as she smacked the boy out of frame. She heard Cory's laugh in the background, but slowly faded away as Lillie started to yell at him once again. The fishermen sighed as she pushed her friend aside and stared deeply into the video call. "You really got us really worried about you guys."

Cory nodded as the images of his other classmates popped up in his mind. "Speaking of, did Kiawe or Mallow call yet?" Lillie slowly shook her head as she looked towards the door of the classroom.

"Kiawe called earlier to tell us he would be coming to class today. As for Mallow..." There was a slighted pause in her voice, worrying deeply about the chef. "We were hoping that Mallow called you. We tried to get a hold of her, but she wouldn't pick up the video call." She watched the boy nod as a smile appeared on his face, rubbing the bottom of his nose.

"I'm sure she's fine," he stated. "I'll just go and check up on her before I leave for school." A soft smile formed on Lana's face as she nodded before Cory ended the video call, only for her to let out a long sorrowful sigh.

"I still can't believe you actually thought it was cool," she stated as she glared at the small boy.

"What?" Sophocles questioned as he turned his back at the fishermen. "If saving, not one one, but two wild pokemon in the middle of the storm isn't cool, then I don't know what is."

"It isn't," Lillie stated as continued to argue with the boy. "It was dangerous. Someone could have kil..." She then felt someone's hand cover her mouth as she finished her sentence in the person's palm.

"We don't say those kinds of words around here," Lana said as her eyes turned into stone. Lillie felt many chills go down her spine as she pushed herself away from her friend, wiping the dust off her dress. "But I agree with Lillie," Lana added as she looked at Sophocles. "What he did was irresponsible." The boy rolled his eyes, but glanced at the door and saw his teacher walk into the classroom. Piles upon piles of paperwork were stacked up onto his desk much like the towering buildings of Kalos. He then wiped multiple sweat droplets from his forehead, but turned towards his students and saw their shocked faces.

"Oh, I didn't know you were all here today," Kukui said as he walked over to the group. Lana raised an eyebrow in confusion as she looked up to see the professor. "Why wouldn't we be?" she asked. Kukui stopped behind the young boy and saw a computer on the desk in front of him. He let out a soft chuckle as he stared at the blank screen of the device.

"Did Cory call again?" the teacher asked, picturing the energetic kid not wanting to lay in the hospital bed all day. Lillie nodded as she quietly made her way to an open desk and took out a lunch box she had prepared the day before.

"He seems to be good as new," the blonde haired girl replied as she took a bite of her meal. Kukui nodded as he heard footsteps behind him, making him turn his attention to the door and seeing a familiar fire type trainer walking towards the group. A Smile started to form on his face as the Professor scurried to the boy and gave him a massive hug.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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