Chapter 17 - Thoughts

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Soobin never thought that red hair on someone can look this attractive that he would have this urge of pinning that exact someone on to his bed and fuck the someone until their fluffy red hair becomes damp and sweaty sticking around their forehead.

He wanted to fuck Yeonjun so bad.

There, he banged his head on the table in an attempt to get these thoughts out of his head.

That hurt like a bitch but at least it was distracting him from his not so very civil thoughts.

"That's the second time you have done this in the last ten minutes." Hueningkai points out, taking another bite of his cream bread, chewing it, seeing Soobin's ears turn just as red as Yeonjun's current hair.

"I hate my mind." Soobin groaned, looking to the other side where he wouldn't be facing Yeonjun who sat right beside him with a hand resting on his thigh now.

'Yeah, fucking nice.'

He groaned away his mind running in two possibilities that to either brush Yeonjun's hand away to lead it to rest on his dick so the other can jerk him off—

"Which test did you fail?" 

Yeonjun's voice cut through his thoughts and he was more embarassed than he has ever been in life, good that no one knows how to read minds or he'd be fucked.

"The test of having rational thoughts." He grunted, eyes closing when Yeonjun stroked his thigh— God, he wishes it was his dick instead.

'These thoughts need to be controlled. Out.'

"And what exactly are your irrational thoughts?" Beomgyu was the one who asked this, not raising his head up attention solely focused on the combat game he was playing. Talk about getting your mind to do two timing attention distributions.

"Confidential." He grunts because no way in hell he is going to actually confess.

"Damn, are you aren't thinking about fucking Ryunjin are you? Hyung, she has a girlfriend." Taehyun whispered, his nose scrunched in disgust as he pointed to Ryunjin girl who sat on the table next to theirs alone and Soobin was facing away from that direction.

How the fuck it was so easy to Taehyun to get through people's mind? 

If he knew him and Yeonjun have started to date then his prediction would be a hundred percent on point and correct and then Soobin would actually be fucked because if mind readers don't exist, Kang Taehyun does.

Yeonjun cleared his throat, withdrawing his hand back from Soobin's thigh, he shared a glance with his technically boyfriend— or the one he is going to be in a relationship with, soon— they haven't actually an a proposing and confession session, but still their friends need to know, "me and Soobin are actually dating."

"Well then just switch Ryunjin to Yeonjun— haha, that kinda rhymed." Taehyun giggled before he actually processed those words, and then he: "What in the fucking universe?! God, I knew it from the very start none of these asshats…" He pointed towards Beomgyu and Hueningkai, "gave me damn attention when I was screaming my guts out about how Soobin hyung is so fucking gay for you." Laughing, he kept his hand on his chest. "Damn, this feels better than when I solve a long ass polynomial division and the remainder is zero!" 

"Stop screeching like a fucking monkey!" Soobin hissed, his eyes flying all around the canteen where a few heads turned in their direction— of fucking course Ji-sul and Haebom were the quickest as if they literally have their ears plastered on whatever goes on their group of friends.

"Monkeys screech?" Beomgyu frowned, keeping his phone aside with a slight irritation of having to leave the game unfinished, but of course this— whatever is going on— is more important.

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