You cant stop me!

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Tommy can believe what just happened. His hero license was just taken off him because of that stupid new president 'ScHlaTt'. In his opinion the old one was better he may have been like some sort of super-villain but still better. Anyway so his hero license was just taken from him and he now had something to decide. Go and be a normal citizen and get a job in a office or go back to his old ways and become a fearless vigilante once again...

Ok did you really think he could work in an office. Well the office didn't think so either so vigilant it is! But this means he'll have to have go find the old costume. After getting a license he will admit he may have forgot about the whole vigilante thing but oh well. Since he became a hero he has gotten stronger physically but also when it comes to his power.

Tommy's power is a different case it's not a power you would see as a normal hero power (that's probably why he was sacked). Tommy's has a hybrid power he is half racoon.. yea he is a racoon. But the ears and tail he isn't his only asset. He incredible agile and light on his feet. He also has a sick sense for stealing things (that's how he has never been stabbed he just steals the knife before they have a chance). Another strange thing about this power is that mind controlling or mental abilities don't seem to work on him. People can't even read his mind it was pretty pog champ actually.

By now tommy has reached his apartment and that's when it hit him he'll have to get a normal job again whyyyy! Maby he can get a job at that one flower shop he like to go to (Don't judge him he like pretty things it's the racoon in him). Yea he'll try that. But before that he really dose have to look for that vigilante costume he has no idea were it is.... time to get looking this is going to be a fun night. He'll start vigilante work in a week.

After he found his suit he decided to look up his vigilante name wow he really underestimated how many theories they would be on his disappearance. He really needs to get back on the scene soon. As he is scrolling through all the articles on him and he can't help but how no one has found the connection between his vigilante persona and his hero one. As soon as his hero persona shows up the vigilante randomly stops how stupid are these people! Tommy is now having a hard time remaining what his calling card was. He had something he left on all his crime scenes so he keep scrolling in hopes to find it. Well he did indeed find it but his only worries are that he may not have them anymore... he gussied it's another search.

He found them you see Tommy's vigilante name is not Theseus (he isn't that stupid) it's disc and at all the scenes of his (horrible) crimes he left a bits of broken records and they were always found for he left them on the criminals.

Tommy is having a hard time remaining what he was meant to do tomorrow he knows it was something. Just think he lost his hero license and chose to be a vigilante again (because he didn't want an office job). He was meant to... go to the flower shop and see if they were accepting job applications. Lucky for Tommy he knows me the nice woman who runs the place and he has never seen a worker there so he may just have a chance.

After he sent his application on the shops website he turned on the tv and turned on the hero news to see if there was any news about him being 'let go'. No I'm fact it want even mentioned all it was on about was the come back of a member of the syndicate. His name was enchanter. Tommy took another look this was the villain he fort most of the time when he was disc. He went missing right after tommy and now he's back. Tommy looked for enchanter but he couldn't find him for the life of him. He just disappeared and wasn't herd from until now. Evan the syndicate hasn't mentioned his existence and now they were all attacking the city all 3 of them. Tommy may need to be disc earlier than he thought. Well time to get his hero costume on.

(777 words)

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