New pet

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He slowly approached the ally to see what created all the ruckus. When he got in he saw that nothing was a miss other than a fallen over trash can he was about to leave the ally way when he heard another noise further down. At this point tommy is riled up he wants to find who or what is making this noise. Tommy waked further down the ally and the first the he noted was there were more trash cans on the floor and the ally was a dead end so whatever was making the sound had no escape. Tommy was shocked when he heard it a small scared chitter like one racoons make when scared or hungry (in this case both). Tommy made his own chitter back his sounded more confident and happy. He then saw a small racoon come out from one of the trash cans and couldn't help but coo (he wasn't going soft fuck you).

When the racoon saw him it was scared until tommy brought out his hybrid features. As soon as the little racoon saw them it jumped on tommy and landed on his shoulder. "Awww who are you" in response all he got was a happy purr but that's all he needed. He asked "do you want to come home with me." Again another happy purr/chitter and tommy decided that was a yes.

On the way home tommy and his new little friend were brainstorming names for him. Yes the racoon was a boy. " what about bear." At this the racoon finally seemed content and purred happily. So tommy and the newly dubbed bear headed home after a long day. For some reason people were giving tommy a lot of weird looks as they walked home he just brushed it off as he still had his work uniform on (yes it was the uniform and not the fact he had a racoon perched on his shoulder and he is talking to it).

When they got home tommy ran bear a bath in the sink because if he was being honest he stank. To Tommy's surprise bear seemed overly excited about the bath and hoped right in. The bath made I'm smell better also revealed he had very fluffy fur. After all the washing and drying tommy got him and bear some food (yes bear sat at the table with him. Of course he did if he didn't it would just be unfair). While getting ready for patrol he was pondering wether to take bear or not he doesn't want bear to get hurt.

Now tommy was perched on a roof with bear on his shoulder ( what bear insisted he went with tommy). It was a pretty quiet night not much he stopped a few muggings and one attempt rape but that was it really. He heard a screech and immediately acted  he started hopping roof to roof in the direction of the screeching. When he got there he saw miss puffy being backed into a corner by the one the only enchanter. Over further examination there was a dumpster fire next to them. The thing that bugged tommy is that this isn't something enchanter would do so why? It didn't matter he flipped down and immediately went to hit enchanter round the back of the head. Enchanter caught his punch and twisted his arm "ow what the hell man that's playing dirty" tommy shouted as he twisted his arm the other way and broke out of enchanters hold. "What the hell disc I thought you were some random hero." Is all enchanter replied with then he saw bear who had been sitting on Tommy's shoulder the hole time. "Aww you got yourself a cat." All tommy could think is dose this idiot really think he's a cat? Then tommy got an idea "yea do you wanna pet him?" He asked enchanter. As enchanter nodded frantically tommy gesture for puffy to sneak out the ally way. "Sure let me get him down." Then as puffy was running down the street the took bear off his shoulder and held him out to enchanter. Tommy was confident that enchanter wasn't going to hurt bear he always had a soft spot for animals. As enchanter held bear who was loving the attention he gave tommy a weird look. "You do now this is a racoon not a cat disc?" Tommy laughed and gestured to his ears and tail. All he got in reply was a small ah

The night was uneventful from there as soon as enchanter heard the sirens he held a firm grip on bear then grabbed tommy. Enchanter set them both on a building and then ran away. After a few more muggings tommy and bear went home and called it a night. Not before checking the news and thank XD there was no news about him and enchanter in the ally way. He had to go to sleep he had work in the morning.

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