What the hell

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(Listened to this while writing this)

Tommy's vigilante costume may look simple but there much more to it than just the hoodie and the pants. First his mask may not look it but it's actually really complicated if you don't know the AI personally you will have to do a series of test/puzzles to get it off (yes he has an AI his friend programmed it for him). And he is wearing a lot of body armour under his hoodie. And it's not just a hoodie and pants they are fire proof and it can't be cut by your every day kitchen knife. His shoes are made just for climbing and to grip on literal walls (yes with his grippy shoes he can grip on walls like Spider-Man that's actually what he based it off). He has lots of pockets and a utility belt containing various knives and medical supplies (don't forget the glitter bombs). Overall Tommy's vigilante suit is pretty pog.

Anyway when he arrived at the scene where the syndicate are he decided to drop in for the heroes are doing absolutely nothing. He scaled the wall of a building near and just walked into the panic of hero's and civilians alike. As he walked in he got a lot of questionable looks and some people even said they thought he was dead. Tommy dead they must be kidding). He walked straight up the the syndicate are. "Aye-up mate long time no see" he said as cheery as he was going to get. "Oh no what the hell. I thought you quit" enchanter yelled kind of panicked. "Ha me quit you're got to be kidding" tommy wheeze so hard you would think he was going to die. "Enchanter just control him to go away. Then we can get back to the celebration" the blood god said matter of factly. "You don't get it blood god. I can't I've tried time and time again but it doesn't work" the stated like he was in the middle of a panic attack. Now this confused the blood god and just made Tommy wayyyy more confident but he wasn't stupid enough to think he could take the syndicate. So he did the only thing he could think of he pissed of enchanter. "Yo what took you long to get back into the hole villain jazz. I was so bored I quit for a bit." Tommy said the last part as sarcastically as one could. "Well if you really need to know I was on a very important mission. I was gathering information from the government from the inside." The Enchanter stated matter of factly with a somewhat smug smile. This is when the angle of death finally spoke up " he was trying to see if the government new who you are." To this tommy replied with "they don't I made sure." "I know that now." Enchanter said with a pout. All tommy could think is "what are you five why are you pouting like a baby who just had the favourite toy taken." At this the  blood god started cackling and the angel of death was laughing ever so slightly. " had he said that out loud." And with a furious Enchanter angrily reply with "yes yes you did say that out loud. How dare you not only have you insulted me on live TV but you made my teammates die of laughter." Tommy started looking around they where on the TV?

yes they were on the news. After all that the news station's were incredibly disappointed for the famous syndicate didn't fight disc. Enchanter had to drag the two laughing villains off the battle field. Not before receiving a bitch slap from disc which he swore revenge for may tommy add (that was probably the most exciting thing the news got from that battle. Well that and the return of Enchanter and Disc). Tommy was scrolling through the news he couldn't catch a brake. The news took his comment seriously and they really think he only left and came back for enchanter. He swears he saw a theory that he and enchanter were star crossed lovers or something. Like what the hell the enchanter is probably like 45 and he is only 16 that was disgusting.

Well anyway he better get ready because tomorrow he is working his first shift. Apparently they were really short on staff and looked over his application online and actually accepted him immediately. Oh well it may be fun.

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