First shift = first of Manyannoying people

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Tommy had just woke up when he realised oh fuck he was late. He was now rushing down the rode half dressed with a bit of toast in his mouth. When he finally reached the flower shop and it wasn't even open yet. Right his clock was broken how can fall for this every morning (first step in his new life get a new alarm clock). When the owner had finally arrived he had already been sat in the sidewalk for at least half an hour. When she saw him she was incredibly exited apparently he was the first and only person the apply for the job. Tommy thanked miss puffy as he knew her as and they opened up the flower shop and the herbal tea cafe. Yes the flower shop has a herbal tea cafe attached to it personally tommy sees this as a perfect business choice. He was told he will be working in the cafe bit today and then tomorrow he will be in the flower shop. This is so puffy can see how he works in both sides and decide where he will work from then on.

Tommy's morning had been quite and it looked like the afternoon would be like that too just a couple of customers came ordered then sat down when tommy finished their order they would ether sit back down or they would leave after tipping tommy and wishing him a good day. Honestly tommy can get use to this quite life. Well he thought his afternoon would be the same but he was wrong way way wrong one really annoying customer came in while he was walking up the the counter he had a real cocky walk like tommy could tell this man is just going to a dickhead. As tommy predicted he walked straight up to tommy and said this "aren't you a bit young to be working kid" now this pissed tommy off how dare this pussy call him a kid so tommy gave his a peace of his mind "look dickhead just order so I can make it and you can leave" now this made the man look surprised "well then I will take a cinnamon tea to go and my name is wilbur. Do you speak to all your customers that way hmmm?" The dickhead look at tommy with a smug smile " nope only dicks and I can vouch for you. You are a real dickhead." Tommy shot back his own smug smile and 'WiLbUr' just smiled and walked off to take a seat and wait for his tea. All tommy could think while making his tea is who names a kid wilbur. Poor guy must be a dickhead because he was bullied as a kid. Tommy called wilbur for his tea and when wilbur looked at the cup he couldn't help but laugh at his face. The cup said wilbur his name and then that he is a massive dickhead and how tommy feels bad about his name for he was probably bullied. Wilbur just looked at the cup then tommy and back to the cup. "You are a absolute gremlin child. Well cya next time" he laughed out while tommy shouted "please dont come back" at this all the customers turned to look at tommy then wilbur and tommy could tell they all subconsciously agreed with him.

The rest of Tommys day was just as quiet as the morning and he was tasked with closeting up shop he even got his own key to the shops and it had a keychain with his name on it. It was honestly a real cute gesture from puffy. While he was locking up he heard the racket of trash cans being pushed over so he went to check it out...

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