When two racoons see something shiny

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Work it wasn't something people enjoy doing well except tommy he loved his new job at the flower shop it's been a few weeks and the found tommy was best in the tea side but could also work well in the flower side of the shop so he and miss puffy alternate. Not much has been going on with his vigilante career he has kinda just slipped back into the flow of things like before he became a hero. The only thing different was that he had a job now and a little sidekick. Speaking of bear he also goes to work with tommy at first puffy had said no but when she saw bear with tommy she couldn't refuse (she had a soft spot for the kid). Tommy was actually surprised that puffy didn't question him about it I mean bear is the same racing disc has and also sits in Tommy's shoulder like he dose with disc. He dose see all puffy's suspicious looks now and again but what can one do when they have a clingy racoon boi.

Now that he thinks about it something did happen he met up with the blood god to piss of enchanter. So it went like this tommy found and message in a ally that said the blood god wants to meet him. How he knew tommy was going to be there he will never know. He saw the blood god on the roof he had told tommy to meet him at and all they did was play with bear and chat. After there little chat the blood god told him he was going back to the syndicates bace and tell enchanter he fought his favourite vigilante. Then he just asked tommy to confirm it is enchanter starts asking him. He agreed and they went on there way. The last thing he heard while jumping off the building with bear is the blood god whispering to himself under his breath "fuck can't get too attached enchanter will kill me if I took what he claimed as his" this confused tommy so he went home wondering why enchanter would Clade his racoon as his property. Like what the hell bear can make his own decisions thank you and he chose tommy.

Now he and bear are sat at home just watching the news he would be at work but the shop doesn't open on Sundays. He is planning on going shopping for food since he and bear have hardly anything in the house but he likes to go later than every one else so the shop isn't too crowded. Last time he took bear when it was crowded bear stole some fancy stuck-up woman's jewellery and she actually accused tommy of training bear to do it. Since she had no proof he got off with a warning and the knowledge that he can't take bear anymore or he has to go when it late.

It's now around the time tommy hose shopping so he should probably go and get on with it he doesn't want the shops to close before he can even get there. So he heads out to the nearest supermarket. With bear in his shoulders again (it's bears favourite place to be he hates being held but will sit on Tommy's shoulders what's up with that?). Once they got to the shop he immediately noticed the faint smell of rare metals mostly gold but a bit of silver. He knew it would be risky taking bear in there but he has no choice they really need groceries. So he went in and hopped he didn't run into the thing that stank of gold. The smell was so strong tommy thought that he might not be able to hold back ether. This is going to be one hell of a grocery shop he will they you that. (Heh fourth wall nope).

As he went into the shop it got stronger so he headed to the first thing he needs. He will have to get all the stuff and get out quickly. All tommy can hope is that bear hadn't noticed the sent yet. He was wrong he did notice it and as soon as they got in the shop bear jumped off Tommy's shoulders and ran towards the sent. Tommy was panicking running in the direction bear went in attempt to get to bear before anything can happen he was wrong dead wrong.

When he got there bear had already jumped on the sent the smelt it was a man covered head to toe in jewels and gold. Bear was on the man ripping at the mans shirt trying to get the gold buttons off. The first thing tommy thought was what the hell then he gained a brain cell and pulled bear off. " I am so sorry for my pet... dog yeah dog" he pulled a worried face as the man pulled a questioning face.
"All right kid whatever" he answered sounding bored. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you"  tommy said a little too eager he thinks. The man seemed kinda puzzled "uhhh well can you help me carry my groceries I guess" tommy nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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