Our Life and Future

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Summary: Your life with the three men was challenging but incredibly rewarding at the same time. All four of you were happy.

"Well, Jenna's getting married." you said as you opened the text on your phone.

"Who?" asked Marc as he looked at you from the TV.

"Jenna, an old friend of mine, we didn't speak in like... Two years. Why is she inviting me then?" you said as you looked at the text again, confused. "Oooh."

"What is it?"

"She is getting married to a guy I used to like. She wants to rub it in. Well jokes on her, I have three boyfriends now." you said as you replied to the message that you are going to the wedding and you will bring a plus one. "You'll need a nice shirt."

"Do I have to? Really?" Marc groaned, dissatisfied with the news. Being Moon Knight meant he rather not go to elegant events, or play dress-up, but then there were you. You, who convinced even Khonshu to give him a break so he could spend time with you.

"Not necessarily has to be you, could be Jake or Steven."

"Why do you want to go so badly?" Marc asked as you sat down on his lap, moving your arms around his neck as he held your waist.

"Because I have just the right dress and if she thinks I am the loser in this situation she has something else coming." you smirked.

Marc loved how cheeky you could be, petty, yes, but he loved it.

"Okay, we go with you, but you take Steven, he's the polite one."

"Now, who says Jake isn't polite?"

"The guy whose nose he broke last week for asking you where the train station was." you giggled, Jake was extremely protective and jealous.

"Right, but I can't have sex with Steven in the bathroom, he would never agree!" you complained and Marc rolled his eyes.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"It's tradition!" you whined. "Everyone knows that."

"No one does that Sweetheart, maybe a couple of people but not..." Marc knew there was no point in arguing with you. He knew better.

He also knew you'd get anything you wanted, and if you wanted to go to a wedding, you will.

Your dress was stunning, hugged you just right, making the boys' mouths water when they saw you, you adjusted their tie. Steven was a babbling mess when he saw you, a Goddess walking over to him, he was sure he died again.

"Mi Amor," said Jake as he fronted and started to whistle. "I'm sure we can be a bit late." he said with a suggestive voice. He leaned over into your ear, "Me estás volviendo salvaje." and just as he said that, Steven was back.

"Let's go then." you said smiling as you headed downstairs for the cab to take you.

The wedding was okay. You didn't like them too much white which was used as decoration but it definitely wasn't hideous.

"Jenna, congratulations," you said as you put on your best fake smile for her, you were only there for the free food, drinks and to see your men in that suit that made them look just divine. "This is my boyfriend, Steven."

"Hello, nice ceremony, congrats." Steven was as polite as ever. With another smile, both you and Steven were off to the venue to get drinks.

Steven of course started it slowly but you were already two shots in by the time he lifted the wine to his lips. "Slow down, Love."

"I can take alcohol very well. One time I drank a bottle of whiskey and barely felt it."

You still managed to amaze him even after all these months. Steven looked up to the ceiling only to see that it was a glass roof, it was reflecting everyone, he saw Marc who smiled at you and shook his head.

"Of course she did."

The evening went on quite well. Steven was sitting, watching people dance, including you.

"Dance with her," Marc would often say to encourage Steven but he was too shy.

"Then let me take the body." Steven heard Jake say.

"But don't hurt anyone." Steven made sure before Jake appeared.

You were dancing, enjoying your time wondering when the cake will arrive when you felt a very familiar pair of arms around you. You smirked.

"I was waiting for youu~"

"I know Mi Amor, you look delicious in this dress and the way you move..."

"I look and taste delicious just for you Mister." you winked and it was his time to smirk.

"Vamos a salir de aquí."

"No, I want to dance. Can I dance with all of you?"

And you did. Each one is so different and you loved them the same. Jake was holding you so close, Steven barely touched you and Marc was in-between, touching you a little but he never held onto you like Jake did.

The evening was nice, you were enjoying yourself so much, you forgot that you were at a wedding a couple of times.

You even managed to get Jake alone to the ladies bathroom for a good time. When you two were done, without a shame he walked out. Everyone knew what you two did in there, but like you cared. You needed some fresh air so you headed outside and stood by the pond.

Jake held you close as he kissed your neck. It was cute to see how sentimental he got after sex when he could be so rough with you.

"Let's sit down." he said guiding you to a nearby bench.

You looked at the people talking, laughing, drinking and dancing inside.

"Do you think you will ever marry me?" asked Marc, he didn't even realize what he just said, it just came out. You looked at him, stunned. "I-I mean I already messed up one marriage so I'm not good at this but... you are different." he looked at you, you could see it in his eyes just how scared he was of your answer.

He always said he was nothing but a broken man, but you knew that wasn't true. he was kind, gentle and incredible.

"You will have to ask me with a ring. Only then you'll get my official answer. But my unofficial answer is the same I gave to Jake when he asked me months ago, yes I will marry you."

Marc wasn't even surprised when you revealed that Jake already asked you.

You caught Steven in the reflection of the window looking at the two of you, happy.

"Maybe the next wedding we attend will be ours." said Steven as he looked at you and Marc.

"Maybe." you let out a sigh. Marc leaned over to give you a kiss.

It was short and sweet, it made you feel special. You even felt it when he switched with Steven.

"Love, they are about to serve the cake." Steven said as he was afraid to ruin the moment.

But you stood up so quickly, it nearly gave him whip-lash.

"Let's go then." you held out your hand for him to take as you offered them a smile.

You were the one for them, from now on being by your side will be their life and future. 

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