Our Fight and What's to Come

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Summary: Getting into a disagreement with Marc was something you wanted to avoid, but Steven took over and after a mission, he wants to try something out.

It all was so silly.

Fighting over something that was a part of them.

Even if Khonshu healed their wounds, even if he was always okay, it still worried you.

They were still human. Even if they were an avatar. Seeing that bleeding cut on their arm or bruise on their ribs, hurt.

Even when you watched those heal in a matter of seconds, and you could heal them just as quick something about the particular purple bruise on their leg made you crazy.

You didn't mean to yell, you didn't mean to get so carried away.

Then Marc switched, and you could tell it wasn't his choice.

"What's wrong, Love?" asked Steven who you assume didn't listen in the last ten minutes. He looked stunned as if he was forced to be out, and you were partially sure he was.

"I had an argument with Marc." you admitted as you went to Steven, tears in your eyes, you put your hands on his shoulders. "I'm just so worried. Almost every night we go out, yes your wounds heal but, it still hurts to see. But Marc, please I'm not her, you don't have to hide from me."

"Oh, Love it's okay, we understand you are just worried, now lets all just calm down and watch something while I hold you okay? Would you like that?" Steven was too sweet, you nodded drying your tears off, and you let out a long sigh. You moved your hands, grabbing onto his shirt.

"I don't know what happened to me, I'm sorry."

"No one likes to see the person they love in pain." Steven pulled you in for a big hug, running his hands up and down your back to calm you.

"I love all of you so much."

"We love you too, you know that."

The moment was one of those where you just wish you'd stay there forever.

"Are you two done?" Spoke up Khonshu behind you, making you jump even when you felt his presence.

"FUCK OFF!" you yelled. "Why do you always have to ruin every moment!"

"I do not!"

"Yes, you do! Last time me and Jake tried to have a quiet night, you barged right in!"

"You say quiet night, but you were really loud, I thought it was okay-"

"It was not!"

Steven blushed, still not used to you being so bold and open about intimate things.

"Doesn't matter, I have a new job for my Knight." you rolled your eyes.

"Okay, you can go. I'll stay this time."

"Why?" asked Steven. "Don't you want to come as well?"

"Nope, I can feel this is an easy job and I can always go if you need me later, I'll order some food and I have some leftover ice cream, I'll be fine."

"A-About the ice cream.... uhm...You see..."

"You ate it?" Steven nodded. "I suggest you leave this apartment in 0.1 seconds Steven Grant or I might do something I'll regret."

And he did.

And you were right, it was an easy job, well and easy job for Moon Knight that is. Khonshu found a human trafficking cycle and wanted to shut it down.

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