+ Your Past

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The descendant of a Goddess. But which one?

Steven had his nose in a book at any given moment when he wasn't with you, Khonshu or at work.

That's a lie, even at work, he was looking for clues.

Surely enough, no Goddess matched your story. Not on Earth, not on Asgard and not on any documented planet that Steven found.

"You should let it go, she doesn't want to know." Marc would often say to him, and yet, Steven couldn't even sleep properly. Thank Jake, he often took the body from him to sleep.

You four, find a nice balance in life even with Khonshu being there and constantly interrupting. So, Steven wasn't sure if knowing your past would change that.

"You need to stop, she will not like it." said Jake, warning Steven, knowing you didn't like it when people pocked around in your past.

But Steven really wanted to know.

You always smelt incredible after showering. You used such body lotions that smelt like berries, making all three of your boyfriends argue who should get the first taste. Before they all agreed to have a go.

Marc liked to watch something on TV before falling asleep. Steven liked to talk and tell you all about Egyptian Gods, Jake prefered to hear you moan under him instead of cuddling or TV.

But as they fell asleep that night, no one expected what happened next.

You were sleeping soundly not a mind to the world, you tucked into their arms, sound asleep, safe.

Marc looked around, this felt like a dream, looked like a dream but something was off.

Something wasn't right, he just couldn't point out what.

"Marc?" asked a voice he knew too well behind him. And surely as he turned, he saw Steven.


"Did we die again?" asked Steven as he looked around, it was pitch black.

"No, she's showing us something," said Jake and it made Steven jump.

"Mate, you gotta stop scaring me." Steven looked angrily at Jake.

"What do you mean she's showing us something?" asked Marc from Jake.

"She blocked the two of you out when it was only us, but it happened with me before. She's dreaming and her powers invited me in, I guess. It started just like this, pitch black and then as if I was in a memory, but no one could see me."

"Okay, but why are we here then?" turned Steven between the two, looking for an answer.

"I don't think she knows she's doing this, when I asked her before, she didn't even remember the dream. She's much more powerful than she thinks." said Jake as he put his hands into his pockets.

All three looked at each other, then suddenly, they were in the woods.

Surrounded by birds, animals and distant voices of people could be heard.

A little boy ran past them and soon, they realized, this was long long ago, just based on the boy's clothes.

"Michael! Stop!" it was you, undoubtedly, younger, but it was you. "You mustn't run, Father will be angry if you hurt yourself." you grabbed the little boy's hand, stopping him.

"But Y/N! I want the berries."

"I know. But, just slow down, will you?"

All three men watched it unfold. They followed you and the boy, picking berries, you looked so different, behaved so different. Yet you were the same person they fell in love with.

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