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I sat in my room in the pack house, thinking about last night, I dont understand why I had such a pull to him but I did. It was late in the evening, my stomach started to growl and I groaned before standing up from my bed and heading down into the kitchen, I could hear laughter as i got closer towards the kitchen. I walked and smiled as I saw Austin and Jeremy standing in the kitchen, laughing at something. Their eyes snapped to me and they looked shocked as they saw me standing there.

"Olivia!" they yelled excitedly at he same time. I laughed and gave them a small smile.

"You came back?" Jeremy asked and I gave him a small nod. How did they even know what happened.

"We over heard about what happened, only because Ari flipped her shit on Alpha Tyson, we thought she was gonna kill him over it," Austin chimmed in giving me a small smile.

"Yeah, Ari went ballistic on him, she is one crazy girl that's for sure," Jeremy stated before taking a bit of the apple he was holding.

"It's okay, guys, really" giving them a soft smile.

They both nodded and I felt my stomach growl loudly, they started chuckling and I blushed a little embarrassed. I gave them both a playful glare.

"Stop laughing at me! I'm hungry, okay?!" I faked whined.

Austin and Jeremy chuckled at me causing me to glare at them harder. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the fridge and pulled out stuff to make a sandwich. As I was making my sandwich Austin walked up to me and I looked at him and smiled.

"So...Olivia, I need to talk to you..." he said softly, looking at me, i placed down the knife I was gonna use to spread the mayo onto my sandwich, he looked over at Jeremy, "Alone, please?" he asked Jeremy, i watch as Jeremy put his hand up in defense before walking out of the kitchen, Austin moved his eyes back to me and cleared his throat, "listen... It turns out I won't be able to take you out on a date..." he said, now avoiding eye contact with me.

I looked at him confused until I remembered that he had asked me out on a date. So much has happened in the past like six days it totally slipped my mind.

"Why? Did you find your mate when you were gone?" I questioned, honestly just curious.

He shook his head and as he was about to speak, Jeremy came around the corner, so obviously eavesdropping.

"The Alpha said you were offlimits," he shrugged, I almost chocked on my spit hearing that.

Why the hell did the Alpha put me of limits? I am so totally confused. I looked over to Austin and watched as he glared hard at Jeremy. Wait, is this like for real?

"Why were eavesdropping?" Austin question him still glaring at him.

Jeremy smirked at Austin and shrugged his shoulders, "I honestly had nothing else better to do," he laughed.

I stood there in shock. Does everyone know about me being off limits? I could hear Austin bickering at Jeremy, I quickly snapped out of it.

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO FU-" I cut Austin off before he could finish his sentence.

"Why am I offlimts?" I asked, feeling anger rise inside of me. This sounds insane.

Jeremy shrugged his shoulders, "I dont know, something about you only being here to train, to be honest it sounds weird as hell."

That is bullshit and I know it. That made no sense at all.

"Is it just me offlimits? Does everyone know I am offlimits?" I asked.

"Yeah, just you, hella weird if you ask me but I guess he just thought it was best for you. Oh yeah and the whole pack knows you are offlimits" he stated, finishing his apple and tossing the core in the trash.

I looked down at my unfinished plate, I couldn't even eat no more I was so angry. Did this mean Ari knew? why wouldn't she tell me this?

"Where is he?" I asked gritting my teeth.

"Oh shit, Olivia, no!" Austin exclaimed, shaking his head 'no', hard.

"I SAID, WHERE IS HE?" repeating myself, yelling.

"In his office" Jeremy sighed.

I nodded my head before exiting the kitchen.

"What dude? She would have hunted him down anyways!" I heard Jeremy defending himself as I hastily continued walking out of the kitchen and up the stairs towards his office.

Is this fucking dude for real? Why the hell would he have just me off limits? This guy has completely lost it. I was furious and honestly so confused. I barged into his office slamming open the door and slamming it shut, his eyes jumped up to me looking confused as to why I would barge in like that.

"WHY AM I 'OFF LIMITS'?" I yelled at him not being able to stop myself.

He stood up, I could see the anger practically radiating off him now, "WHO THE HELL TOLD YOU THAT?" he yelled back at me. The nerve of this ass hat.

I rollecd my eyes and glared at him, "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! NOW TELL ME WHY THE HELL AM I 'OFF LIMITS'!" i yelled back.

"THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" he yelled again, walking closer to me.

"FINE, DON'T TELL ME! WHY DON'T YOU GO FUCK YOURSELF INSTEAD! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled back, stomping out of his office, slamming his door as i left.

I sighed, anger still rising inside of me.

"It's none of your busines" I mocked quietly.

I need to go on a goddamn run. I rain down the stairs and noticed Austin and Jeremy were still in the kitchen, they snapped their heads towards me but didn't say anything as they could tell how pissed I was. I ran outside and towards the woods and stripped myself from my clothes, laying them on the ground. I closed my eyes, bringing out my wolf, my bones cracking as I turned. And I quickly darted off into the woods needing to blow some steam. I was still so furious, I ran towards my favorite spot, branches snapping under neath my paws and leaves rustling as I continued to run.

I slowed down as I made it to my spot and I sat down, taking in the view, calming my nerves down. I swear it was one thing after another with him and I was seriously getting fed up with his crap. I am still trying to understand what gave him any right to do that. I don't understand this psychopath.

Alpha Tyson's TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now