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My eyes slowly creep open at the warm light entering the room. I look over to see Tyson still sleeping soundly next to me. I smile at his perfect naked image beside me, I loved waking up beside him. I get out of bed, not even caring that I am naked, wanting to take a shower. I quietly tip toe to the bathroom and quietly close the door behind me. 

I start the shower water and step in. I run my head under the water as it gets warmer and close my eyes. I jump when I feel hands wrap around my waist, pressing my back against their chest but calm down when the sparks shoot through out my entire body. Tyson. 

"Hey, beautiful" He whispers in my ear. 

"I didn't want to wake you," I tell him honestly. 

"You didn't," he said softly nuzzling his face in my neck making a humming sound, "I could get used to this every morn-" he stops, freezing and my heart flutters knowing what he was going to say. 

I turn to face him and rest my hand against his cheek as I smile at him.  He opened his mouth like he was going to say something but quickly closed it. I dropped my hand sighing as we both just wash our hair and body but he quickly got out before me. Great. I step out of the shower and wrap the towel around me tightly. I walk into his room, noticing he is already gone as I go to dig through his drawers getting a pair of boxers and a shirt out. 

I dress myself in his clothes before opening the door of his room, I see Jeremy and give him a smile. 

"Hey, Olly!" He smiled widely. 

"So you are my gaurd today?" I laugh. 

He playfully glares at me, "Yes I am."

"Come on, Jeremy, I am going to my room to put proper clothes on," I chuckle, shaking my head. 

I walk down to my room and I smell Tyson's scent as I pass by his office. I know he was upset and as much as I wanted to go in there to be with him or just to see him, I didn't. I walk into my room and close the door, leaving Jeremy outside to wait. As I turn around I let out a loud scream as I see Tara and Amelia sitting on my bed. Suddenly my door bursts open causing me to jump and I see Jeremy and Tyson. 

"I'm okay. Amelia and Tara just scared me," I glare back at them as they gigle from the bed. 

Tyson walked in and gave me a tight hug, kissing my forehead lightly before leaving. I hear gasping coming from my bed. Shit, I haven't told Amelia. Jeremy smirks as he closes the door shut. I turn around and blush when I see Amelia's mouth wide open with shock and Tara is smirking.  

"You are with the Alpha?!" Amelia whisper yelled, "Are you insane?!"

"Amelia, chill out," Tara rolled her eyes. 

"No. She has lost her mind. Olivia, what are doing?" Amelia asked harshly. 

Tears prick my eyes at Amelia's harsh tone. The tears start to fall, rolling from down my cheeks. 

"Awesome job, Amelia," Tara seethed at her. 

Amelia sighs, "Olivia, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's okay, Amelia. I get why you would be mad," I whisper, "I am just going to go on a run. I will see you guys later."

I turn around, opening the door and see Jeremy. He gives me a smile but it quickly turns into a frown when he notices I have been crying. I walk down the hallway, keeping my head low with Jeremy hot on my trail. I run down the stairs and outside the back door, running towards the woods. I pick up Tyson's scent as I run through the crowd of the people who are training. 

"What are you doing, Olivia?" Jeremy asks. 

"I'm going on a run. You coming or not?" Annoyance in my tone. 

"I am coming with you," He states. 

I go behind a tree while Jeremy goes behind a different tree. I start to undress laying my clothes down beside the tree. My bones start to crack as I quickly tranistion. I pick my clothes up with my mouth and take off through the woods. Jeremy is right behind me running as he catches up to me. I run till I stop when I get to the over look. I go behind a tree, laying down my clothes I transition back to my human form and quickly get dressed before I stp out behind the tree. 

I take a seat beside Jeremy who was transitioned back to his human state with just his pants on, sitting in the field of grass. 

"Olly, this place is amazing," He says as he gives me a soft smile. 

"Yeah, it really is," I return his smile. 

He sighed, "What happened with your friends?"

"Just Amelia being Amelia. I expected it," I shrug. 

"Olly, I am still your friend. You can always talk to me," He gives me a wink as he bumps my arm. 

"I just... I don't know," I sighed. 

"Can I ask you something?" he asks. 

"Technically, you just did," I wink, nudging him back. 

He rolled his eyes, "I have seen the way you look at Tyson. Do you love him?" 

"Yeah, I do," I tell him honestly. 

His eyes soften, "Have you told him yet?"

I shake my head, "No and you can't either."

"It's not my place to tell him that but I think you should," he says, giving me a small smile. 

"I can't...," I sigh, "Let's walk back."

He nods his head giving me a sympathetic smile. We get up and walk back towards the pack house. It was quiet the whole way back to the pack house. I see everyone still training and then my eyes meet Tyson and he doesn't look happy. I raise an eyebrow and I realize he isn't looking at me, he is glaring at Jeremy. My eyes follow to Jeremy as to why he would be so angry with him. 

"Why is Tyson glaring at you?" I ask Jeremy. 

He laughs and shakes his head, "I am pretty sure it's because I am not wearing a shirt."

I chuckle as we continue to walk back into the pack house. I was about to start walking up the stairs when Tyson storms in. This is gonna be great. 

"Jeremy go put a shirt on!," Tyson snaps at him. 

Jeremy rolls his eyes giving him a smirk, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going."

Jeremy heads up stairs to one of the rooms near Tyson's. Tyson walks over to me and grabs my hand, pulling me upstairs towards his bed room. He shuts the door behind him and locks it before grabbing me by my waist, pulling me close to him. 

"You are mine," He smirks.  

Alpha Tyson's TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now