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"How are you feeling today?" Austin asked with small smile playing at the corner of his lips.

"Austin, I'm fine," I smiled.

It has been a full week since I have been back in the pack house. I was fully healed and my wolf kept itching for a run. Alpha Tyson never showed but I tried not to think about it. At this point he can fuck off.

My parents had a field day after finding out what happened, so did Amelia and Tara. I was happy that Amelia and Tara would be back in three weeks. My wolf has been dying for me to go on a run ever since she came back.

"Austin, I need to go on a run," I sighed.

His head snapped to look at me, "Olly, I don't know..."

"Austin... please," I begged giving him my best puppy eyes.

He sighed with hesitation, "Olly, you can only go on a run if I get to go with you."

"No, I want to go alone," I shook my head.

"Olly, that's not happening!" He said sternly.

I rolled my eyes, dropping it because I was just gonna sneak out after he leaves. It is currently 9:40 pm, and we are currently sitting in my room watching TV, watching some movie I haven't even really been paying attention to at all. My mind has been occupied with many other things.

"Austin, I haven't seen Alpha Tyson for the past week..." I found myself saying.

"Yeah, he has been gone for the past week," he shrugged.

Hearing that made butterflies rise in my stomach. So he wasn't avoiding me, he was just gone.

"Oh... why?" I asked nonchalant.

He raised an eye brow, "he is at that pack that needed our help with training."

I nodded, "Austin, I am kinda getting tired," I lied.

"Okay, I need to go anyways, it's getting late," he gave me a small smile.

"Goodnight!" I beamed at him.

He got up off my bed and head towards the door, "Goodnight, Olly."

I gave him a small smile before he left the room. I quickly got out of bed and quietly walked over to my door. I listened to see if I could hear anything. After a couple of minutes I quietly opened the bed room, stepping out.

I tip toed all the way down the hall and down the stairs before quietly making a run for the back door. I needed to go for a run, I needed to get out of here. I quietly shut the back door and made a run for the woods, hoping I didn't get spotted by whoever was on watch tonight.

I stood behind a tree and quickly stripped down from my clothes. I sighed in relief. Holy shit I made it.

'Fay, are you ready?' I asked her.

'Yes! Yes! Yes!' She screamed excitedly.

I closed my eyes and my bows started to crack as I transitioned into my wolf. Quickly I sprinted off into the woods. It felt so good to let my wolf out. I ran towards the over look, the only spot that I enjoyed. Picking up my speed I farted through the woods, loving as the cool air blew through my fur as I ran.

I stopped at the over look and sat down. I continued to lay here just looking out at the over look.

'OLIVIA, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?' Alpha Tyson's angry voice rang through mind link.

Well I guess he is home. Two things are for sure, one being he is pissed and two I'm so fucked. I sighed, getting up from my sitting position and made a run back towards the tree where my clothes are.

My heart dropped to my stomach when I saw Alpha Tyson standing beside the tree where I left my clothes, only now he was holding them. The deadly look he was giving me as I stepped closer. His arms were crossed over his chest.

"SHIFT! NOW!" He yelled, his voice bouncing off the trees.

I whimpered and quickly shifted back before I could piss him off anymore. I stood to my feet and he threw my clothes at me, catching them I hurried and slipped my clothes back on. He stepped closer to me and grabbed me tightly by my wrist.

"I was gone for a week, Olivia, and you disobeyed me! I told you I didn't want you outside alone no more! Why can't you just listen?!" His words full of venom.

I looked down at my feet as he dragged me roughly by my wrist back into the pack house. He pulled me up the stairs and when we got to the top, instead of taking a left towards his office or my room, he took a right heading to the hall where his room was.

"W-what are you doing?" I whispered.

"I am giving you your punishment," he said, giving me a wicked grin as he pushed open his bedroom door.

He pulled me inside of his room, shutting and locking his door. I knew I was about to get punished but I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach at just seeing him. I can say I don't care all day long or that he can go fuck himself but I couldn't stop the feelings I had for him.

I watched him as he pulled me towards his bed and he took a seat on the edge, while I stood in front of him.

"Strip," he said sternly, letting go of my wrist.

I nodded and stripped down out of my shirt and shorts, his eyes focused on me as I did. Now standing in front of him, my body bare and free of my clothing.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down to him, laying me across his lap. I could feel myself getting wet. His hand rubbed softly across my ass.




I whimpered after his hand came down for the last time but not out of pain but at how good it felt. He stood me back up and I blushed at feeling how wet I was for him. He stood up and backed me up against his bed room wall, blocking me in with a hand on each side of my head. He leaned in, brushing his lips against mine softly. The need for him was getting unbearable. I grabbed him by his shirt and closed the gap between us.

His lips were so soft as he kissed me back in a hard passionate kiss. I parted my lips and he took it as chance to deepen the kiss, tongue exploring my mouth. His hands dropped from the wall, wrapping his arms around my waist. In one quick movement he lifted me up, holding me by my thighs as the rested on each side of his hips, our lips never loosing contact. My bare naked body was pressed against, my nipples growing hard.

He laid me down on the bed softly and reluctantly pulled back and rested his forehead against mine.

"Not matter how hard I try, I can't seem to stay away from you" he said breathlessly looking me in my eyes.

My stomach fluttered and I could feel my cheeks warming up. My cheeks warming up.

"I-I should probably go..." I whispered.

He looked at me closely like he was debating something but gave a reluctant nod before moving off of me, standing to his feet. I stood up and quickly got myself in my clothes I had stripped out of. I started to head for the door when his hand grabbed my wrist, I looked back at him.

"Run to your room, don't stop. You need to take a shower" he said in a soft stern voice.

I gave him a questioning look, "why?"

"My scent is all over you, Olivia, I don't want someone to smell my scent on you. You smell like me and sex" his voice still stern.

Wow. Okay. Fucking ouch. Why does he do shit like this?

I nodded my head and didn't say a word before jerking my hand out of his grip, leaving his room, slamming the door shut behind me.

Alpha Tyson's TemptationWhere stories live. Discover now