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"Get up, bitch!," a voice snapped at me. 

My eyes snap open to see Austin standing over my limp weak body that is laying on the cold damp wet dirty floor. He has scowl on his face a look of disgust as he looks at me. He grabs me by my wrist, yanking me up off the floor. Pain flew all throughout my body as I stood as he dragged my out of the cell. 

"W-where are we g-going?" I whispered. 

"Tyson is on his way here," He smirked down at me, "It's almost time for the kill. Literally," He chuckled. 

Tears rolled down my cheek at the thought of that. My heart sunk further down and the pain of walking was making it worse. My engagement ring still glistened around my ring finger and it made the tears uncontrollable. I was thankful that they didn't take it, maybe they didn't notice it. I was happy just yesterday and today I might be killed. I was dragged outside from the celler I was I was once underneath and brought to my knees with a rough push to the ground. 

The man that kille Tyson's mate stood before me with an evil smile that made my stomach turn, surrounded by rouges. He pulled out a long ridged silver bladed knife as he smirked and stood by my side. I could smell Tyson's scent as it neared. He appeared from the woods wearing nothing but shorts. He had a murderous look and as his eyes snapped to me and met mine I saw a piece of him break. 

"Ah, Tyson, long time friend, so glad you could make it," The man chuckled darkly as he crouched down to my level. 

The knife burnt my skin and I let out a loud scream as he ran it down my face and down to my neck, the knife burning my skin all the way down. 

"Don't fucking touch her!," Tyson snapped. 

"Ah ah ah, old friend, I wouldn't run that mouth of yours," He sneered, "You see I have the knife and with one quick jab to the carotid and she is a gone. I'd choose that your nexts words to be very careful," He pointed the sharp end into my neck making me release another scream. 

Both of our pasts keep haunting us. The man that held me captive came for me and the man that killed Tyson's mate has come to haunt him all over again. I looked at Tyson as tears rolled down my cheeks. His eyes moved carefully back to mine. I wasn't ready to die but it looks like fate has a different plan for me. He dropped to his knees as he looked at me, his own body giving out on him. He looked back to the man with pleading eyes but his eyes turned cloudy and I knew he was mind linking someone. 

Austin walked closer to Tyson pulling out a gun aiming it for his head. I could feel Tyson's emotions I could feel his pain. No, not Tyson. I took a deep breath knowing I was about to do something stupid. I looked at the man that was crouched beside me. 

"Do it, kill me. Please don't hurt him," My voice cracking as I looked at the man. 

"Olivia, no!," Tyson snapped at me. 

He smirked as he trailed the knife down to my side near my rib cages. He pressed it in making me wince, my clothes sheilding me from the stining pain off the silver knife. He gave me a darkly smile before turning back to Tyson. 

"As the Luna wishes," He spoke darkly as he continued to look at Tyson.     

I heard growls as they came out of the woods, a hundred wolves from our pack surrounding them with menicing growls. Tyson stood up as he stalked towards the now shocked man. The man looked at me giving me one of his infamous dark smiles. 

"I'm willing to die for this," He whispered with a smirk and before I could even blink an eye he pushed the knife straight into my side and I let out a blood curdling scream of agony as the knife burned. 

I heared Tyson roar so loud it could be heard for miles. I looked at the blood that was starting to pool from where the knife punctured me. I was in shock. A wave of dizziness hit me and I fell back on the ground. Darkness took over and all I could hear was screaming and growls as I lost consciousness. 


Beep Beep Beep Beep

Somebody shut that shit up. 

My body felt weak. I felt like I couldn't move. My eyes flew open and Tyson's sweet scent filled my nose. I turned my head to see him doing peper work as he sat in a chair beside the bed I was in. I'm not dead? Or is this my heaven? This didn't feel real to me. I studied Tyson as he kept his eyes on his paper work, his eyes held sadness and fear. 

Beep Beep Beep Beep

Somebody shut that shit up before I do. My head is fucking pounding here. 

"T-Tyson?" My voice croaked from my very dry mouth. 

His head immediately snapped up with wide shocked eyes. He put the papers down and was quikly by my side, sitting on the edge of the bed. His hand reached out as he stroked my cheek. I had to be alive cause that felt all to real. 

"My sweet Olivia," He said softly, his eyes softening. 

"I-I'm alive?" I whispered, needing reassurance that I was not in heaven right now. 

"Yes, sweetheart," his voice raspy. 

I'm alive. Wait, the baby. Our baby. 

"Is the baby okay?" Tears pricked my eyes. 

He nodded, "He is good. He is more then okay."

He? How long was I out?

"A 'he'? A boy?," I croaked out, "How long was I out?"

He let out a heavy sigh, "A month... and yes, the baby is a boy. The doctors checked on him everyday, I made sure of it."

A month? A fucking month!I'm also having a boy. A little boy.  

"You lost a lot of blood and your wolf had gone to heal. The silver and the wolves bane took a lot out on your body," His eyes changing bright blue, his voice filled with sadness, "This is all my fault," He murmered. 

"Tyson, it isn't your fault. I'm okay. I am here now," I said softly. 

"I was scared. I was so scared, Olivia," his voice cracking. 

"It's okay, I'm here," I put the the palm of my hand on his cheek while he kept his on mine. 

"I love you," He whispered softly. 

Hearing that made my already weak body feel weaker. His hand traveled to my stomach, resting his hand on my bump and I followed his hand and I was shocked at how big my bump grew. I looked up to Tyson who was still looking at me, his eyes that were once filled with sadness now filled with love. 

"We are having a boy," I grinned. 

He let out a small chuckle before leaning down to kiss my forehead planting a small delicate kiss. 

"You never cease to amaze me," He spoke softly against my forehead as he planted another small faint kiss, almost scared that I would shatter, like I was made of glass but it was perfect. 

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