Chapter 5 : A Much Needed Friend

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Marco's room was empty and the window was wide open with the curtains tied into a rope hanging out of it. I fell to my knees upset that he felt so misunderstood that he had to run away. I went to call the cops but of course, the person had to be missing for 48hrs before initiating an amber alert so I said fuck it.

Meanwhile,Marco, having just ran away, continued running as far as his legs would take him. He eventually tired himself out and ducked into an alleyway being a store at sat with his legs pulled up to his chest. In truth Marco wasn't angry with Andrew,but rather sad.He was feeling defeated and tired, mentally. It seemed like no matter where he went,no matter what he changed,his past would still find some way of following him. In fact, what hurt him most was that Andrew looked through his file after promising to give him a new start.He just wanted Andrew to accept him and not look at him as a pity case or a disgrace and he felt that now that the secret was out,it would forever change things between them.

In this moment,he was tired of it all and he thought to himself that since he couldn't escape it,he might as well go back. Even if Andrew didn't look down on him,how could he ever face a man who was nothing but good to him after yelling and then running out on him when he simply showing concern. Marco felt like trash and undeserving of anyone like Andrew and his affection. As he stood up and dusted himself off,he made a decision that he was going to go home, back to his real parents, where a nobody like him belongs. Back at home, Andrew sat at home still in shock over ghe events that just took place.He loved Marco like a real son and his leaving just brought up all types of depression. Despite feeling utterly destroyed,he went to bed that night and said " ill get through this one way or another.

[Andrew's pov]
The next week was hard for me as I waited every night hoping Marco came home but It didn't happen. I woke up early at 8 Am an usual, and prepared to go to work. I tried to hide the fact that I was depressed, but one of my coworkers; Kayla wasn't fooled and she began to approach me. I put a smile on my face as she approached me and and "hey Andrew". Despite me being a closed book, my coworkers eventually got me to open up but not much. Only Kayla got me to open up more and we'd regularly talk but not this whole week. "Hey," I said to her and she looked at me and said, "your house...after shift...we needa' talk about this". I was nervous because I hadn't been alone with an angry girl before and I was worried...I worry about everything, my anxiety is just that way." When I got off, I didn't head straight home, instead I drove for a bit; hoping she'd be gone.

When I got home 2 hours later, I looked around for any cars and saw none so I got out of my car. I headed up to my apartment only to open the door and be greeted by her. I asked her how she got inside and she told me the manager let her in after he saw her waiting in the hall and figured she was his girlfriend. Kayla pulled me in and pinned me against a wall but I quickly flipped it and before she knew it, she was the one pinned against the wall. She smiled at me as she closed her eyes and leaned in which caught me off guard until she grinned and tackled me to the floor and said "you can't avoid me so spill it". I grinned and said "no fair, you know you're like the hottest girl ever".Kayla was very beautiful.

Standing at 5'9 with long blond hair and a petite average build with moderately sized breasts and tan-white skin,She was a sight for sore eyes. Despite this, she dressed very tomboyish, wearing a tanktop underneath a sweater,with blue jeans tucked into her brown cowboy boots. She was a country girl and she acted like it.She was very strong willed, independent and intimidating.Worst of all she had the hands to backup whatever point she needed to get across. However in Andrews case,she was always sweet and really girly towards him which made him question her motives at times. In all honesty,he was too dense and unconfident to notice that she actually liked him.

She blushed as we got up and sat on the couch. Kayla turned to me and said "what's going on?" as I continued to sit there silently. She got up and started looking around which frankly I didn't care enough to stop her until she reached Marco's room and remembered the pictures of me and him she had seen in the living room. she put 2 and 2 together because the next thing she asked was "where's your son?"

I looked away from her as tears ran down my face and I managed to choke out the words" he ran away" before bursting into tears. Kayla grabbed me and held me to her chest and told me it was going to be ok. a few hours after I had got myself back together: I told her everything that happened and what I had read in Marco's file at the orphanage. She smiled, kissed my cheek, and said "that was very sweet and we're gonna go find him tomorrow". I looked at her and said "how" and she said "the copy of his file from the orphanage...duh.

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