Chapter 6: The Fight Of The Hopeless

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Kayla stayed late talking to me and cleaning things up until I asked her if she wanted to go home since it was getting late but she surprised me when she said "oh no you're not slick, I'm staying here for a while until you get your happy ending". I turned to her and said "what if he doesn't come back" and she shushed me and said, "we'll cross that bridge when we get there and we'll do it together". I told Kayla to take my bedroom and I would sleep on the couch but she turned off the lights before jumping on me and pulling the covers over us. I was blushing so hard and I didn't help that before I fell asleep she whispered in my ear "where you go...I sleeping alone in new places terrifies me".

The next morning when I woke up, I had blonde hair in my face and as I sat up more I realized it was Kayla. She looked like an angel with her cute smile and her silky white skin which complimented her beautiful aurora. I kept staring until I snapped out of it and ran into the bathroom in a panic. "oh my I falling for her" I whispered to myself...I've never seen her as more of a woman than a best friend until now and it's kinda scary since every love interest I've ever had ended badly. My thoughts were interrupted by Kayla knocking on the door and asking if I was ok, so I told her yes before coming out and sitting in the kitchen nook area.

After eating, I got ready for work until Kayla looked at me weird so I said "why are you looking at me like that and she said" We don't have work for a week since I told Davey you were going through things and needed time off and he gladly agreed since you're always working overtime. "I sat down and said "great now I get more time to sit around and feel sorry for myself" and Kayla grinned and said "not if you want to go see Marco just so happens that I know where his parents live" and I said "so what does that have to do with finding him?" she held my hand and said, "someone reported him last seen in the area where they live and I'm willing to bet that's where he ran off to so let's go". Before I could say anything else she grabbed my hand and we were out the door.

We got in the car and headed to the south side of town where the last of the city's low- income apartments, known as "the projects" were. Just as we pulled up to the building, we saw a bunch of boys playing, one of whom happened to be Marco. I walked up to him, hugged him and said "thank god you're ok" but he pushed me away and said" get off me, you're not my real dad...they are, they're the only ones who don't judge me" . He pointed to a raggedy couple who came over with a gun in their hands and asked if there was an issue and that's when Kayla came and pulled me into the car and we left. Kayla drove the entire way home since she could probably tell how visibly distraught I was.

When we got back home I shoved my face into a pillow for a while until I felt a soft hand rubbing against my back. "you've got to let him go, you tried to help him but right now he has to find his own way". I really couldn't argue with what she said so I just said what was on my mind. "I know but it just hurts bad...I loved him like a real son and he turned his back on me...just like everyone else I've ever loved". Kayla pulled me up and kissed my cheek before whispering into my ear "not everyone...and I'd like to see you try to get rid of me "before giggling, which made me blush hard.

The next morning, I woke up to Kayla making breakfast and it smelled delicious...I had no idea she could cook so well. After eating, Kayla forced me to go to the fair with her and then on the steamboat going up the river and then to a movie. I began to feel good and smile until at the end of the day when we got back home. Kayla got frustrated and said "ugh, I thought we were making progress and I said "you don't understand, I can't just forget, so soorryyy". She sighed and said "I do understandthr  pain, my dad used to get drunk and beat on me and tell me I would never amount to shit, yet I stayed with him and I took that abuse until my mom finally left him and even afterward I still told him I loved him until I realized he would never be proud of me so I let go and I'm much happier now".

I said to her "I know you're right it's just hard" and she hugged me,held out her hand and said" it's not gonna happen overnight, but you'll be happier so please trust me" but before I could grab her hand everything froze and went black. When I woke up I was back in my old childhood room but something was wrong...I was younger but I had memories of my future life. I could control myself and everything seemed real so I figured it wasn't a dream and that I had been thrown back in time or I must've died or something. After getting ready, I left off for school and the day went normal until I ran into Josiah, Jamaica, and Genesis. I took a few insults until I had enough and ran out of the room and the school building. I snuck home and cried in my pillow, I couldn't relive this a second time, I just couldn't.

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