Chapter 2: The Everlasting Deed

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The little boy let me approach him and The first thing I said was hi my name is Andrew what's yours?" The little boy said "Marco" and I said "Marco are you lost? And he said, "no I'm a foster kid, but I ran away because the other children bullied me". I said you look soaked, how about I take you home with me and get you clean and warmed up. He looked at me and I knew he was scared so I pulled out my wallet and gave him my license and I said "here, now you know who I am and if I did hurt you, you can show the authorities". He smiled and said yes id like to go home, but am I in trouble?" And I said we'll discuss it when we get in and as he looked at my bike he said "where am I gonna sit?" And I said "watch and learn". I pulled out my utility knife and cut 2 holes in the bottom of my backpack and the sides for his legs and arms and I put him in and zipped him up. After biking for an hour, I saw a bus, and I told Marco we were gonna take the bus for a few blocks. I stopped the bus and put my bike on the rack and paid,my fare and the bus took off.

After a few miles, I pulled the cord and we disembarked from the bus, but it was still lightly raining. On the bright side, we were about 30 minutes or less from my apartment so I rode the rest of the way, unaware that Marco was fast asleep. When I reached home, I opened the door and put my bike away and went out to my car, and drove to a nearby store. I carried him in with me and bought him 2 pairs of pajamas, pants, shirts, and some tv dinners for him to eat before driving back home. When we got back home, I woke him up, got him something to eat and then I let him shower and change into his new pajamas. He was really happy with his new clothes and he said "thanks" before he started looking sad again.

I asked him what was wrong and he said "are you gonna turn me in?" and I said, unfortunately, yes, but you're not going back to that home" and he said "why?" and I said "I'm gonna let you live here if you want" and before I could say anything, he ran up and hugged me really tightly and I said "you're gonna have to come with me to the orphanage tomorrow and we'll get it sorted out" and he said "ok" before I tucked him into my bed and waited until he was fast asleep before I made some calls and eventually slept in the recliner in my office. When I woke up, Marco was already standing there, and I said "let's get you something to eat before we leave, and after breakfast, I got him dressed and took him to the orphanage.

When I arrived, the building was large, well kept and even the beds looked nice, and it had many play areas, so it was a mystery to me on why Marco would wanna run away from here. I spoke to the lady in charge, she said looked angrily at Marco and told him to join the other kids and that he would be punished later, however, After the lady finished her sentence, I told her I would like to adopt Marco. She looked at me and said "you want him? " and I said "yes ma'am I would" and she whispered "he's been through a lot...he's a troubled child and his parents gave him up after he turned 6...we've got other boys" and I said, "ma'am I chose him and I'm sure of that". She said, "very well and normally I wouldn't let a child go while the paperwork and background check is processing, but I really want him gone, he's a handful and constantly fighting with the others".

When I walked back to get him, I saw a fight but it was the others ganging up on Marco so I came in broke it up, and took Marco. As we walked out the doors to the car, I said" Marco I know you're troubled and you've been through alot but I'm not going to give up on you like everyone else has". He didn't say anything and honestly I don't blame his reluctance to believe me but that was ok. Actions speak louder than words and I was gonna show him the life he deserved. As we pulled away from the orphanage, I told Marco I was getting him enrolled in my old elementary school I used to go to. He shrugged his shoulders but said nothing...I could tell he didn't want to go but

After getting Marco enrolled, I dropped him off at my cousin's house for a bit. I knew he'd have fun there with my cousin's collection of vintage consoles and that would buy me enough time to what I had to do. After dropping him off, I called up a few friends I hadn't seen in years; Michael and Gerald, and together we went shopping for Marco. When we finished shopping, they helped me move my old office furniture out and helped me paint and set up Marco's room, and afterward, I paid them, even though they didn't ask. After looking at Marco's new room, I didn't care that I had spent a good amount of my savings because I knew his smile would be worth it.

By the time I went to pick him up from my cousin's house, he had a smile on his face...the first one I had seen. After he got in the car, I said " did you have fun?" And he said yes...cant I stay longer?" I smiled and said"yes,but then you won't be able to go to this special place I was planning to take you right now" .His eyes lit up and said"ooh I like surprises,lets go". I laughed and said"alright,get buckled up and we'll go". After he buckled up, we took off and within 20 minutes,we arrived at "play palace".

I park the car and said "we're here" and to my surprise he was jumping and bouncing around with happiness. He quickly undid his seatbelt,got out of the car and raced over to the store entrance". I grabbed a cart before walking in and saying" alright, you can get a few things,so go nuts". His eyes glowed and he took off like a rocket, with me running a marathon just to keep up with him.

After shopping in there for an hour,I finally managed to pull him out before I really did become broke. He was happy and smiling but things were about to get alot better for him.

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