The Grindr Game

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Talique's POV

So I'm dropping my girlfriend off, aka the beautiful jasmine and I decide to call up David because I have a plan up my sleeve. He enters our room while I'm playing gta with jasmine and I announce to her that I'm going on mute for a second so that I can tell David my plan.

"Yo Wassgud Tal?"

I look at David with stress clearly written on my face. "So you know that ball we have in a week ? I kinda want to give jasmine a few presents while we are there so that I can solidify things"

Just then David's eyes grow wider

" bruh are you seriously thinking about a promise ring?!"

I look at him and nod my head yes and hand him my phone so that he can look at the ones I picked.

"Alright so I'm about to cry because this ring has a flower on it and the flower is a purple jasmine!" David said

Yea I kinda wanted it to scream her and what other way to do that then to give her one with a flower that she's named after??

" That is Literally perfect" David said


Welp that's Jasmine so that was it. I get my phone back from David as he grabs his jacket.

"Ight Tal imma see you later man" David said

Ight bruh,then I turned my attention back to my game and Jasmine.

David's POV

I hop on Grindr to see what was new on there and this guy hits me up wanting to link. Now really I don't wanna link with nobody, my original plan was to get on here and find somebody. I heard Jacori was on there so I got it to see if I could get to talk to him on some DL type shii, but that's only if he's open to that. I was chilling on the court until my phone dinged!

HotBoy: Yoo,tryna link?

I start to look at the age and he's 20,so I look at the attributes and it's cool. He's 5,9, he's brown skin and all that is popping into my mind is jacori so now I'm really into it.

BVillian: yea sure my guy, meet me at Riley in 10

HotBoy: Already here baby boy

I jump up excited asf think it jacori so I start skipping there. I get there and this guy comes into view and it's NOT HIM! So I'm kinda disappointed but I still go up him him.

"Wassup lil baby"

This guy just whips it straight out as he pulls out a blunt and lights it. As I'm giving head I'm looking past him wishing it was jacori and now not only does this moment feel meaningless but I feel meaningless.  He throws his head back and I full it pulsating in my mouth so I let it go so he won't climax on me. He releases on the ground while he pulls me back up on my feet telling me that he wants me again tomorrow night but my mission has failed so he won't be seeing me....sorry. I head back to campus as I see a car pull up beside me and It's another guy I call my big brother, Tray with his girlfriend bry.

"Little brother! Why are you out here at night like this?"

I took a good look at him for a second and contemplate on whether I should say the truth or not but then I just give up.

" yea man I was on a sneaky link,but I'm heading back now" I said

He looks at me with this grin and said ok as he pulled off. I get back to my room hoping to not wake Tal because it's 12:45 and I know sometimes he can sleep as early as 9:00 but to my surprise he was just chilling on the game still talking to Jasmine.

"Where were you bruh? I called you." Talique said

I just told him that I went on a sneaky link and he said while still looking at the screen

" David we told you about just leaving out of nowhere to meet people you don't know!"

The images of what happened started to flash through my head again and all I can think of is how I really want it to be jacori. I started to retort back but then I just gave up because at the end of the day in my mind it's messy, filled me thoughts of lost love,lost of time, depression, doomsday phobia, low self esteem, and I just leave the room to go upstairs and cry because I physically can't take my actions right now. I then started getting texts

My Charmed Brothers group chat 🤞🏾

Tray: David man,you have got to stop going out at night by yourself because no one needs you dead. Seriously I'm 22 and I don't even do that!

Talique: and I'm 21 and I'm definitely not leaving unarmed

David:but I'm 21 too tho

Talique: nigga you just turned 21, I'm bout to be 22 and tray bout to be 23 so we don't need you young little naïve ass out at all times a night!

Tray: Listen David,next time just tell us and send your location so we'll know where to go if something happens

Talique: I would rather for you to not go at all but yea what tray said

David: you guys all I want is love that's all

Tray: we understand, and you'll find it!

David: NO YOU DONT! nigga number one I'm gay and there are barely any more of us on campus! I'm also feminine so any dl guy here probably don't want me because of that shit! Then on top of all of that what If I die before I get the, or the world ends, or I'm deemed un attractive by everyone. You guys have your happy endings man I'm just trying to find mine before death finds me first.

Talique: David you worry too much, none of that stuff is gonna happen, just breathe

Tray: yea and I'm sorry you feel that way but trust me you'll find it man.

David: ok but Gn guys, and Tal I'll be in the room later.

Talique :ok

I have a dub of weed so I go outside to the court but when I get there all I see are a bunch of guys playing basketball so I sit on the bench and watch while I smoke. This one guy who was dark skin and kinda buff kept looking at me and I all of a sudden got hot and wanted to do some shit so I copied his actions and starting looking at him up and down licking my lips. The ball came over by me and he came to get it.

" wassup David"

At that moment all that came into mind was to call him daddy but I got me shit together and said hi. By then I got bored as hell so I called me friend Kase. He's like that one cousin you can't wait to see at the family gatherings so I was excited.

" wassup David!"

He walked in and I get happy
" Kase! How have you been my nigga!" He just looks at me and sighs, "honestly this school shit is stressful and I'm getting tired man" I was completely understanding of what he was saying because saaammmeee.

" so David are you going to the ball?"

I look up to the sky and think long and hard about what I might want and I look at him " yea I might, you?"


I'm glad that he's coming but since it's now 1:45 we went back inside the dorms to go to sleep. Welp another day to come!, Tomorrow Ball Shopping!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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