The Bitch Trials

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David's's POV
Hi,I'm David....But you already knew that!

I'm currently in the bathroom getting ready and singing to the top of my lungs getting ready to go outside to the court with my best friend Chad.
"Hurry up David before I leave you!"

And now I'm rushing so I didn't get a chance to step out in a cute fit like I always do but hey,it going to have to suffice for right now.

I walk out of the bathroom and did a 360 spin in the middle of the hallway until I realized Chad was walking out of the door without me so I sped up to catch up because boy knows he walks fast.
As I'm walking to the court all I see are bodies and sweat and I automatically got sick of being there, but then I caught sight of my girl best friends Jasmine and Rebekah. Me and Jasmine start to laugh at the amount of fails that these boys are giving right now and honestly it's hilarious but then all of a sudden I hear chad's voice,

"It's just a game now stop acting like a bitch and just give me the ball"

As his friends we all got up in attack mode but then everything that was going on around me started to make sense. I saw the guy Chad was arguing with go to the other side of the court to get something out of his book bag mid argument but we all knew that it meant trouble so me and the girls dragged him out of that situation to go get something to eat.

As me and Chad reach our dorms we start to walk in but I noticed there was a guy walking behind me so I held the door open for him to be nice, he looked at the door in total disgust then looked at me as if I was the ex that smashed his ps5. As I get a closer look at him I noticed he's the same guy that Chad was arguing with on the court so I just let the door go and went inside. Chad was still heated about the situation and as I keep thinking about it I start to feel like I should've at least asked him what the problem was, because I wasn't the one he had a problem with so it puzzled me. That night I went to the court trying to clear my head until I heard a familiar accent come through, it was the guy that was arguing with Chad,(yea Ik,don't penalize me yet I just never got his name), anyways he seemed a bit frustrated and confused but I felt no anger coming off of him this time. I sat in the dark just to see what he was gonna talk about but as he kept talking I kept trying to hear better but then I caught a glimpse of it

"I'm sick of this school and I wanna leave"

Yea I low key felt that but I'm not gonna say anything,I'm just gonna take my little happy ass to bed before I get a headache from trying to understand the accent.

I payed awake that night asking myself why was I still thinking about him so I asked Chad how he feels on the situation now

"Man fuck Jacori ,he's a punk!"

I just chose to stay out of it and go to sleep but I just can't help it but I might want to........experience more from him?, I don't know but something is pulling me to do it,so see you tomorrow jacori

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