10 Things I Hate About You

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1. I hate that Achilles is selfish when it comes to me. It's like no one else exists and it's only him and I. He would burn the world if I gave him the command.

2. I hate that Achilles is stubborn when it comes to his honor. He's okay with others dying if it means his reputation stays clean.

3. I hate that Achilles forgets to play me the lyre before bed. It's hard to fall asleep and I'm stuck longing for the melody of my mother's favorite instrument.

4. I hate that Achilles doesn't give a damn about Briseis. If he loved me so much, surely he would also be kind to those I care for? But no. He is jealous of her and spites her only because of her friendship with me.

5. I hate how Achilles leaves early in the mornings to fight in battle. He doesn't bid me good morning and I don't feel his lips on top of my cheeks. It's like the sun's blessing has skipped me and the rest of my day is dull and long.

6. I hate that Achilles doesn't take me seriously. When I offered to go into war with him, he tossed me aside and called it a foolish idea. He makes me feel worthless when all I tried to do was help.

7. I hate that Achilles knows exactly what to say to make me feel better. His words are medicine as they tend to my lonely sickness. He sings to me when the world is grey and his voice paints the air with bliss. I hate how his words make me forgive him.

8. I hate that Achilles is okay with leaving me behind when his prophecy is fulfilled. It's like he doesn't care as long as he is not the one left to grieve. Still, he battles to kill Hector and tells me his dream is soon to come true. It's like he can't wait to leave me behind.

9. I hate Achilles because he is the reason that I died. He dragged me into the war and used me to waste time. He brought me to the camps to train and it lead to me on the front lines. Hell, he knew I would dress in his armor and fly into battle and still, still he allowed me to do it. I hate him for murdering me and taking my life like all of the other men he has killed. I am one of many that he had slaughtered to satisfy the fates. A pawn in his game. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

10. The thing about Achilles that I hate the most is the fact that there is nothing to hate about him. I could complain and cry for hours about how he has wronged me but I could never leave his side. I love him too much. He has killed me but he made my life worth living. He painted it with fond memories and gave a purpose to a boy who was exiled from royalty. He was everything that was and is. I hate that I love him so much that his faults make him all the more loveable. He is selfish for me and I hate to admit that I love him for that. No one has loved me like Achilles and no one will. Ever. Even in death I await him. I hate that I hadn't met him sooner, but I love that I can love him forever, in paradise, where I hate nothing about the man who is half of my soul.

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