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Andy: You ever tried going down a fire pole? It's not easy. There's no perfect way to get down. But there's definitely a wrong way. Hold on too tight, and you won't'll just hang there, dangling. Stuck. Nobody wants to get stuck. That's why I decided a long time ago just to use the damn stairs.


Pruitt: "I know you all know this, but I'm still gonna say it" he calls out, moving to stand in front of a burning house as the others hurry to grab their gear "Contain the flame and get the hell out!"

Andy: "Laminar smoke flow, small chance of flashover. My guess is the back of the house."

Pruitt: "Hey, Gibson, you in a hurry? I haven't even given the plan yet." he hums, stopping Jack in his steps as he begins running towards the home

Jack: "Just ready to get in there, sir."

Pruitt: "Miller, partner with Gibson."

Dean: "You got it."

Pruitt: "Andy, you and Bishop handle search and rescue. And let's get somebody up on that roof to vent!"
Andy: "Entryway's clear."

Maya: "Left wall check."

Andy: "Right wall check. Living room, clear."

Maya: "Kitchen and dining room, clear!"

Andy: "We got somebody!" she calls out, opening the door to a bathroom, finding a woman passed out on the ground

Maya: "We got a conscious victim inside. Gonna need medics standing by out front."

Tiffany: "Thank God." she coughs, slowly sitting up

Andy: "Ma'am, can you walk? We need to get you out of here."

Tiffany: "Hang on."

Maya: "Did she really just say, "Hang on"?" she scoffs, giving Andy an incredulous look

Andy: "Okay, no. No, no, no, no, no." she hums, the pair housing Tiffany to her feet as they begin leading her outside, brushing past Jack, Dean and Travis who stand in the doorway of a bedroom where the fire is at

Jack: "Charge the line!"

Travis: "Okay, you got it!"

Dean: "The wet stuff on the red stuff!" he cheers, laughing as they watch the fire diminish
Mags: "Check her vitals. Watch her ABCs."

Vic: "BP's 80/60."

Mags: "Can you tell me your name?"

Tiffany: "Tiffany."

Pruitt: "Tiffany, this is very important. Was there anyone else inside with you?"

Tiffany: "Charlie." she wheezes
Jack: "Hold on the pipe! Fire's out."

Pruitt: "Another possible victim inside, guys. Name's Charlie. Repeat. Charlie."

Dean: "If he's in there, he's already toast."

Travis: "Shut up."

Dean: "What? The whole place is charcoal."

Jack: "Dean. Enough."

Dean: "You think anybody would survive this kind of burnout?"

Travis: "Shut up!" he grits "You guys hear that?" he hums, the three perking up when hearing the sound of a whimper

Jack: "Oh, my God. It's a kid."

All: "Charlie! Charlie? Charlie!" they call out, searching around the room

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