Chapter One

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"BRYCE GET YOUR FILTHY ASS OUT OF BED!" Bryce's mother screamed at him, getting him out of bed. This is what he dealt with this from his parents everyday. They treated him so terribly, ever since he told his parents he was gay. Though they didn't act like it, his parents were very Christian and did not believe in Homosexuality, because they thought it was a sin.

Bryce shuffled out of bed, loathing the thought of going to school. He didn't have one friend, nobody at school he could talk to. Not even his siblings or cousins would talk to him! Because they hated him so much.

He went to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. He has heavy bags and dark circles under his eyes, and his skin was pale with marks on them from getting beaten from his parents. He got ready for, and hesitantly walked out of the door. Though he hated home so much, school was the worst. At home Bryce had just his parents and brothers beat him, but at school it was the whole school; the grades above him, people in the same grades and even people in the grade below him would beat him up.



These were just some words he heard when he walked into the school. He learnedly ignore it, but it still hurt. Bryce never really had any friends, but people didn't really make fun of him. Until he came out, he was happy, and content, but then the bulling started to come.

Bryce looked at his feet the whole time to his locker so he couldn't see where he was going. He didn't know that Chad, the school bully, was coming towards him just to knock his books over. "Watch where your going, gayboy!" Chad snickered. He had always been the worst out of everyone, and for no better reason then everyone else.

Bryce picked up his books, and ran to his locker, trying to avoid any more terrible people that would just make fun of him. He hurried to his first hour class, ignoring everyone that went in his way.


The rest of the day was dragging by, just like any other day. People were making fun of him, teachers were giving out more and more homework, and overall the day was just depressing. At the end of the day, Bryce was on his way home, but Chad beat him to the door.

"Where d'you think your going Bryce?" he asked in a threatening tone.

Bryce didn't respond, and just tried to get passed him.

"You can't get by me that easily," Chad meanly joked. "Follow me." He pulled on Bryce's collar and lead him behind the school, just to beat him up. "Just a reminder, you deserve all of this," he whispered before slowly departing from Bryce's location into the other direction, while Bryce lay there, conscious, but weak and with a lot of blood loss. Soon after Bryce regained himself, he went home, not realizing it was already almost five in the evening.

He finally got home, after limping for about a mile, and it was starting to get dark out. He was greeted by his unwelcoming mother yelling in his ear. "WE'RE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN? IT KS ALMOST SIX THIRTY AND YOU DIDN'T SAY A THING!" She shouted.

"Mom let me explain I-"

"NO! YOU DON'T GET TO EXPLAIN!" she shouted again, followed by a large slap across the face, and then Bryce collapsed on the floor. His mom didn't hit him hard enough to have caused that, but with his major blood loss due to Chad, it was enough to pass him out.

"YOU PEICE OF CRAP!" his mother yelled before leaving the house, leaving Bryce passed out, by himself, on the floor.

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