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August 24th, 2024
By now the trio of Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Nolan was still going strong in their second year of college. The situation with Xingqiu and Nolan was forgotten, being best friends is better. Cause' Xingqiu didn't want to risk losing someone else.

Xingqiu groaned in his room, stuck on his essay. Xiangling heard this, and walked over to his room.
"Everything good?" She asked.

"This paper. It's just brutal! Also i'm trying to write a novel right now too and it's just so much all at once." Xingqiu rambled. And oh boy, he was right. The paper had to be 6-10 pages long and it had to be about some dumb subject Xingqiu wasn't interested in.

But that's just what he had to deal with. It's fine, totally not deteriorating his mental health.

And Xingqiu really got thinking the night of August 24th, laying in his bed. What the hell is he even living for? To be honest, he didn't have much. He had a few idiot friends, a good-ish relationship with his brother (and a bad one with his mom). But that's really all he had, no boyfriends ever came into the picture.

He wanted someone really bad, and he was itching to see him everyday. He purposely went in all the right places only to see him and just act like it was a coincidence.

Chongyun, he needed to see Chongyun.
So, he called up someone who knew.

Over the years, he connected with Chongyun's adopted sister, Ayaka. They followed eachother on instagram and other social medias, and every waking moment of the day Xingqiu just wanted to ask, "How's Chongyun?"

So finally, he did just that. He called Ayakas phone, with his plan in place.

"Hey Xingqiu! Haven't heard from you in awhile." She said over the phone.

"Yeah! So I was wondering.. Where will Chongyun be in like.. fifteen minutes? Or do you not know haha.."

"No no, I know where he'll be for the next three hours. He works at the coffee shop on 70th street. You know, the one that's bright red with vines all over it?"

"Yeah okay. I know what you're talking about. Thanks!" Xingqiu smiled, as if she could see it.

"Go get him,"

"Yes, I will. Thank you again."


Xingqiu walked 3 blocks in scorching heat form his apartment to the dumb coffee shop to chase after his ex.  It sounds worse than it really is.

But still, he walked eagerly to the shop. Every step making him more and more excited.
Why the fuck was he excited? He has so much more to worry about than this. Worry, is that even the right word?

Whatever, this is great. He's gonna get Chongyuns new number, and get the hell out of there.

Finally, he reached his destination.

He walked in and the chimes sung with joy, the coffee place smelled like, well, coffee.
It was more comforting and cozy than ever. He wanted to curl up to Chongyun and smell his signature smell and cologne, kiss him at least one last time. Tell him he's sorry for messing things up, because he might forgive him.

When he looked ahead at the counter, he saw him. His type, the guy he's wanted for months. "Xingqiu? What are you doing here?" Chongyun questioned, to which his coworker shouted 'That's not how you talk to costumers!'

"Mai, I'm leaving!" Chongyun shouted.


"You got a dog?!" Xingqiu shouted happily, because shit, he wanted to meet it. He wanted it to be considered their dog.

Okay maybe he was freaking out a little bit. Scratch that, they both were. "So um, why'd you come into the coffee shop that I work in?" Chongyun asked, his cheeks going a little pink.

"I needed to see you." Xingqiu whispered.

They both walked silently for about two minutes. Just staring at each other every now and then and acting like it was all no big deal, no worries, this is normal for an ex to do. They'd think.

"Come to my place," Chongyun started, "It's pretty nice. And you can finally meet my dog."

Xingqiu nodded, and they walked back to Chongyuns car.

Their hands were inching closer and closer together until they were eventually holding hands. And shit, Chongyun wanted to melt into a puddle. But Xingqiu looked fine, he wasn't freaking out. It's like he's been wanting to do this for ages.

"After you," Chongyun said, opening the door.



"So uh.. That's the tour! There's Milo, he's sound asleep clearly."

Xingqiu stood in awe at the apartment, the ceiling had a chandelier and the floors looked brand new. It was crazy to him.

"Room," Xingqiu said, "I want to go to your room."

"Um- I- okay."

And so they went.


take this for now. i'll update it sooner i promise </3

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