Chapter 10- Nightmares, Daydreams and Sweet Dreams

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Derek's POV-

It was midnight and I couldn't get a single wink of sleep in. This always happens. Every night, I catch my ass to fall asleep mostly because for the past three years, I haven't really slept. If I do, it's light sleep and I'm always on alert. I turned for the millionth time since I lay down trying to find some sort of comfort to finally fall asleep when a shrill cry pierced through the silence of the house.

There it is. That's what I was waiting for.

The scream turned into cries and pleas making me dash out of my bed and out of my room. Literally running and stumbling, I threw the door to Stefan's room open. His small frame trembled and beat against the mattress and his arms thrashed about as if fighting off something.

Quickly, I pulled Stefan into my arms and shook him trying to get him to wake up.

"Stefan! Wake up! Come on buddy, open your eyes." I shook him again but still he didn't respond. Instead, he turned against me like I was the monster trying to hurt him. He thrashed against my body, constantly beating my chest with his fists pleading to be set free.

"Stefan! Wake up!" I screamed at him this time shaking him harder. His cries stopped and his body froze and his eyes opened. They stared back at me, big green orbs glazed and filled with fright and terror. His breathing labored, he stared at me speechless and unmoving. Cupping his face with both my hands, I began trying to calm him down. "It's alright. No one is going to hurt you."

Slowly, he nodded as tears began forming in his eyes. They began falling, his lips and jaw quivering and his small frame trembled as he leaned into me. Wrapping my arms around him, I rocked him gently side to side and listened to him sob while he clung to me for dear life.

I'd never forgive those bastards for what they've done and they better pray that our paths don't ever cross. Yeah, sure our father was one of those bastards but honestly, he wasn't the main reason I took Stefan with me. I hadn't known for sure my little brother was being bullied but I did have my suspicions for a while; years actually.

It was only until after mom passed away and dad's behavior changed that it confirmed my suspicions. I understood to a point the effect that dad's behavior had on us but Stefan had changed completely. He barely spoke to me or even looked at me and I knew he was hiding something.It was though he had completely shut me out.

That, I couldn't handle because I knew he needed me.

So, I poked around a bit and I found out that Stefan was being bullied though I didn't know how badly. It was only until that day when I came home from work early and a nagging in my mind told me to check on Stefan. I'd heard his muffled sobs and when I ordered him to open the door, he refused to do so continuously apologizing.

By now, I was completely freaked. He wouldn't open the door for me so I did the next best thing. I fucking broke it down!

What I saw, completely broke me. He stood on a chair, the hoop of a noose made from stripped sheets and knotted socks tied around his neck and the running part of it tied to a beam on the ceiling. Tears stained his cheeks, his eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry."

Those were the words he'd said to me. Closing his eyes, he made a move to jump off the chair but before he could even get one foot off, I had jumped up onto the chair. Stefan screamed at me trying his best to push me down so that he could finish what he'd started. Like hell I was going to let that happen!

I untied the noose and got down from the chair pulling Stefan with me despite his protest and cries.

That's when I learnt how badly Stefan was being bullied. I discovered everything. It went so far as sexual assaults and honestly, I kind of lost it. I saw all the marks of his abuse and it successfully pissed me off. 

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