Chapter 37- Solace

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Stefan's POV-

"Tell Jaime I'm sorry but I'm not going to his party. Tell him Happy Birthday for me." I stated firmly stopping mid-step on the stairs as I was making my way to my room when the front door to my home was burst open and in came Adele with Zack in tow. I was in a state of depression, that much could be told from my oversized hoodie which was actually Collin's, socks on my feet and track pants that covered my instep.

"We're not going." Zack stated firmly walking further into the living room.

"Tyler told us what happened. He said that Collin's going to be there at the party and we figured you wouldn't go whether or not he was going. We came to spend the night with you...if you don't mind." Adele explained. I stared at her dumbfounded as I processed this new information. Were they really going to miss a beach party for me?

"I-I...I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll let us spend the night." Adele and Zack as well as I turned to the voice that spoke from by the door. Travis stood there with his signature smile, in all his green eyed and blond hair glory. He held a bag over his shoulder as he proceeded to walk in to come to stand at the bottom of the stairs after bumping fists with Zack.

"You're back from London already?" I asked turning to face him. Travis had gone with his parents to London for the summer to visit his grandparents who lived there. He'd only left about a week and a half ago so why he was back so early I didn't understand.

"Actually, we were supposed to stay in London for three weeks before going to Venice then the Caribbean; well my mom and I anyway. But Tyler called and told me what happened. I cut my trip short to come back to see how you were holding up."

"My dad dropped me off. So, can I stay the night too?" I stared at him. Did he really cut his trip short for me? I felt my eyes moisten as I looked to the three of them in turn. They really had no idea how much this meant to me. I've never had friends who...who would cut a vacation short and fly halfway across the world to see if I was okay; friends who would pass up an exciting party to spend a lame night with me.


"Oh good because I bought snacks and horror movies!" Adele exclaimed holding up her bag.

"And I'm buying pizza." Zack added smiling like it was the best thing in the world.

"I brought UNO and CLUE." Travis stated holding up his bag as well to show he'd brought the games with him.

"So, I'm guessing no one wants to eat my chicken lasagne, then?" Derek asked from the kitchen doorway a hurt expression on his face.

"You made lasagne?" Zack asked incredulously. My brother nodded.

"But seeing as you're buying pizza then I'm guessing more lasagne for me." Derek teased and that gave him the desired reaction as all three of them bombarded him yelling at him to share. Derek smirked then pursed his lips.

"I guess I could share...I mean it is a big pie." He said nonchalantly causing Adele, Zack and Travis to fist pump the air in victory.


Zack and Adele were downstairs in the kitchen acting like vultures constantly nagging Derek about when the lasagne would be ready; they really like my brother's cooking and ate a bellyful whenever he cooked and they were over at my house.

That left Travis and I alone; he'd wanted to talk. It felt good because I guess I needed someone to talk to and Travis was all ears. I'd told him about the whole rape thing not going into detail and the break up which inevitably led to me crying. He offered me solace the whole time. After we spoke about me, he talked about his trip in London even bringing me back a few souvenirs. I got an oversized hoodie that had 'I LOVE LONDON' printed on the front with the British flag.

He spoke about things with him and his girlfriend, Lyla and he even spoke about that sports camp we'd be going to next week. The downside was that I'd be seeing Collin but the upside is that it won't be as often. Plus, I'd have Zack and Adele with me and even though Travis is in a state soccer team, he'll be there as a camp co-ordinator. His dad is a varsity coach and he was also going to be there and since Travis came back so early, his dad is dragging him along.

He said his mom would just take her parents to Venice and the Caribbean instead of her husband and son. So everything worked out nicely.

Still, I couldn't get over what the three of them had done for my sake.


Collin's POV-

It was a beach party and I should be enjoying myself yet here I was, with a half filled beer cup leaning against a wall with all the other wallflowers watching the party rage on. I just wanted to go to Stefan's house and hold him until the end of time. I wanted my kitten back.

From where I stood, I noticed a guy about Stefan's height and with blond hair dancing in the crowd and every now and then, he'd look over to me and smile. After a while, he left the crowd and came to stand next to me. The guy looked familiar; I might have seen him around school but I didn't know his name.

"Hi." The guy said softly tilting his head slightly to the side with a small smile tugging at his lips. He had blue eyes and I had to admit, he was cute. Giving him my signature smile that had once swept Stefan off his feet, I gave him my full attention raking his body with a hungry look. Walking closer to him until I was only inches away, I smirked a lecherous grin.

"And what's your name cutie?" he blushed red ducking his head a little and it was so cute. It was as if all his confidence had drained out of him.

"I'm A-Alan." He stuttered meeting my gaze and wiping his nose with the back of his hand. Oh, so adorable. He offered me a shy little smile.

"Do you wanna get out of here, Alan?" my eyes sweeping over his body again. He had a nice little body.

"O-okay." Taking his hand in mine, I led him out through the back and he followed without hesitation. Once we were somewhere a little more secluded and private, I turned to face him and took a few steps forward causing him to step back and bump into the wall. Placing my hands on either side of his head trapping him between myself and the wall, I leaned my head down and captured his lips. Sure, they were soft and he was my type, but he wasn't Stefan. He'd just have to do for tonight after which I will hatch a plan to win my kitten back.


I couldn't do it.

We shared a kiss and that was it. I spent the rest of the night drinking and crying constantly complaining and whining about how Stefan dumped me. Alan had been nice enough to stay by my side but I can tell he was past the limit of patience where I was concerned. I could literally see he was begging for someone to rescue him.

Because of my drunken stupor and depression, he hadn't wanted to leave my side in case I'd tried something fatally stupid.

I hadn't slept at all even in my drunken state and how I am even conscious after downing so much alcohol was beyond my comprehension. I sat with my back to the wall of the bedroom in which Alan and I stayed in during the night; a half empty bottle of tequila in one hand with a tear stained snotty face.

The door opened with much force and was sent slamming into the wall causing me to jump and cringe from the loud noise and unexpected intrusion. I didn't look up at the person though until my best friend stooped in front of me. He took the bottle of tequila away from my weak grasp and set it aside.

"Alan, why don't you go on ahead? This may take a while." He said and a few seconds later, Alan exited and closed the door behind him with a soft click.

I swallowed the lump in my throat but didn't look at him. "Do I have to go to the sport camp thing?" Stefan was also going to be there. While the respective sports may be sectioned off, there was still a chance that I may see him and I knew if I did, I wouldn't be able to control myself.

"If you want to make it to varsity then yes; you have to go." He said quietly though I could sense his frustration at the situation I'd found myself in.

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