Chapter 30- A Broken Spirit

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Stefan's POV-

Didn't I tell you that it was all too good to be true? Didn't I tell you that sooner or later Collin would wake up and realize I'm not what he wants? I couldn't face them after all that happened. Not now; not ever.

Things were going to be different come the new school year. I was sure of it that I'd be back to square one again. I will be an outsider, hated and looked upon with disgust. I'd lose the reputation I'd built, my friends and the respect of my school mates. It was just a thing of life. Sooner or later, it was bound to happen.

I'd be lying if I said his rejection didn't hurt because it stung like a motherfucker. But then that wasn't what bothered me the most. It was what he'd said before he told me to get out.

I did enjoy fucking you.

It was those five words that finally did it. It wasn't when he said he never loved me but those five words didn't just break me; it made me feel like some dirty slut. He was no different than Chance Mason, those molesters and the men who raped me in the alleyway. They all wanted one thing from me.

Was I ever going to find someone who really loves me?

That was the thought that ran through my mind as I pulled the covers of the hospital bed up to my face; my eyes and hair the only thing visible. That's all everyone ever wanted to do. They just wanted to hurt me. I never understood why and I probably never will.

I watched as Derek exited the room and Tyler walked in. He walked around the bed and dragged the chair to the side I was facing and sat down in front of me. I wasn't sure what to make of Tyler. So far, nothing between us had changed. He's been here at the hospital since last night when he brought me in. I noticed he wore different clothes which meant he'd gone home but he was back here.

He'd spent the night in the hospital with me and Derek.

"How are you holding up?" his voice filled with concern and his eyes mirrored the sound. I didn't buy it though. Collin had played me so good he'd actually gotten me to believe he loved me and for all I know this whole goodie-two-shoes act with Tyler could be false as well.

I'm not going to let myself get hurt again. Instead of answering him, I turned to face the other direction pulling the covers over my head. I heard him sigh.

"This doesn't change anything. Don't think for one second that I think any less of you because of what happened. In fact, you've just proved to me how right I was about you. You really are strong."

I choked back a sob mostly because no one has ever been this nice to me or believed in me like this other than Derek. In trying to force back my sobs, a whimper escaped me and a few seconds later, I felt a hand come to rest on my shoulder.

"It's alright Stefan. You're allowed to cry in these situations. I won't judge you." His voice was soft and full of reassurance. The tone of his voice had caught me off guard. I'd only heard that tone on one other person.

The kind of tone that said it was alright to allow yourself to be weak for a few seconds and that everything would get better. It was the kind of tone that was full of reassurance.

Turning in the bed to look at Tyler, our eyes met and in that moment I knew I could trust him. He wasn't like the others who'd tried to hurt me. He hadn't tried to in any way and I felt okay with letting him see me weak. Very few people have seen me this weak to the point where I've given up complete hope. Derek was the first and now Tyler.

I let the tears fall and I cried until there were no more tears to be spent. "Do you feel better?"

"No. But it helped with the pain...both physically and emotionally." Tyler just smiled and sat back in his chair. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I could no longer take the need to find out. "Who else, besides my brother and you knows?"

"My mother...and Collin." he met my eyes briefly and then looked away. Why did he tell that asshole? "I just figured he should know."

Just then a nurse came in and injected something into the tube connected to my arm.

"You want to what's the worst part?" I said after she left. He looked at me waiting for me to tell him. "I don't even hate him in the slightest."

"Well, what do you feel towards him?" I shrugged my shoulders and a small smile played at my lips.

"Maybe it's just the morphine talking but...I don't feel anything and I just don't care." I replied my eyes fluttering sleepily.


I was finally going home today. The doctor said that I'd have to come back in a few weeks to remove the stitches and that I should try to get a lot of rest during the next two weeks. I'd lost a considerable amount of blood and I needed a lot of rest and to hydrate regularly. The stab wounds and being raped had been quite taxing on my mental and physical being so it was understandable.

Also, during these past three days, my view on a lot of things had changed. My new theory as to why some people were some serious assholes was because of one of two reasons. One; they were afraid of getting hurt and figured if they were mean to everyone, they'd be okay. The second; they'd been hurt before and didn't want a repeat so in a way, being an asshole was their defense.

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