Chapter 21- Finding Stefan

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Collin's POV-

I'm so fucking stupid! After he told me I still went ahead and called him 'beautiful.' It was just a slip of the tongue, I swear. I didn't think he'd react the way he did. I had no idea Stefan's past was this bad. It all made sense now. He came here looking for change. It's why he stood up to me the first week of school; it's why he didn't want to date me.

He said he was afraid of me. He thinks that maybe I'll end up hurting him like Chance did or like Cal did but I couldn't. I loved him so much. He's perfect in every way to me and knowing his past, it just makes me love him more.

Stefan is fun to hang around with and he's free spirited. He has the spirit of a five year old which is what I love about him. I love the fact that he fights back and clearly his past has made him tough because that boy is not afraid to throw a right hook. Then I find out he's a fighter. Not only am I more protective of him but I love him even more than I did.

I didn't know where Stefan ran off too. I followed him but lost him a crowd. I muttered profanities under my breath swearing at the assholes that caused him such pain as I stomped back to my room. I ran into Tyler on the way and told him about what happened. In short, he's been bullied, he told me his past and now he's run away because he thinks I hate him.

Tyler sent the message and had everyone who came with us looking for Stefan. Tyler's parents, soon to be step- brother and step-sister; Blake and Jaime and everyone else scattered throughout the hotel looking for Stefan.

I'd circled this place twice and I still couldn't find him. Now I sat in the corridor slumped against my room door, my knees pulled in, elbow propped and my head in my hands. Panic and fear rode me hard. I was worried about him. What if he'd run away and gotten lost? What if someone tried to hurt him?

If my silence and thundering heart couldn't testify to how worried I was, then I don't know what will.

My mind flashed back to his story about the molesters and I couldn't help but wonder how scared he must have been. He's so small and fragile. He hurt so easily. He must have been so scared and he had to face that alone.

My sweet little kitten. Why would anyone want to hurt him?

All I can say is that Chance Mason and I better not meet because he wouldn't live very long. And as for those molesters, well, should they get caught and thrown in prison; the prisoners will deal with them the right way.

There's a special place in hell for Chance Mason and those molesters. I really hope they get what's coming to them.

Tyler's POV-

Everyone was worried, I knew that. We hadn't been able to find Stefan and we'd spent the last hour and a half trying. It's either he left the hotel or he didn't want to be found. I had asked Blake to drive around and see if he could find Stefan. I'm still waiting to get word.

Collin on the other hand, was worried sick. If Stefan had told Collin about his past, I was still missing a big chunk of it. It had to be much worse for things to get so out of hand. Everyone had circled this place at least twice but to no avail. I was still waiting for any feedback from Blake.

Collin sat slumped against his room door his head hung low. I could actually see the worry weighing down his shoulders. Walking over to him, I slid down and sat next to him. He looked up at me. "Did you find anything?" he asked and the panic showed in his voice. I shook my head and he ran his hand through his hair his biceps flexing from worry and stress. "Maybe we should inform the hotel staff." He suggested after a few moments of silence. Again, I shook my head.

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