Thank you and I'm Sorry /An :(/

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Alright, so.. there's a lot of you who are like lurking around this fic waiting for it to update or be revamped again, however I'm just gonna say it.

I have like no motivation to continue this fic, I haven't since like 2018, which was 4 years ago.

I've started a new passion project with trying to figure out how to transition into Gaming, Recording, and Streaming, and don't have the attention span for writing anymore. I'm honestly surprised this silly little fic I started in like 2016 on a different account got as much traction as it did.

I loved seeing how excited you guys got over this fic, over the Pokémon you got to interact with. Hell even the half written OC's I threw in as a plot device were rather well liked, and I loved seeing you all love my creations.

But I'm not a good writer, and I'm actually really bad about all this.

Thank you all for reading this silly little fic while it lasted.

If you have questions, concerns, or are interested in adopting the fic, my message board and direct messages are fully open to you, and I do read comments.

Thank you for the joy you've given me, I hope to see you again in another way.

-Your Retired Author

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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