Again, I'm Sorry

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I had another idea and I'm incapable of making decisions so I'm leaving it up to you all!

I had a thought while I was watching TyranitaurTube on Youtube (he's got several pretty awesome series including Extreme Randomizer Nuzlocks that I LOVE)

Anyway back to the point- I thought about making you (the reader) an Eevee trainer, rather than having her have to capture several different pokemon. As there are 8(it is 8 right?) Eeveelutions, only two would be omitted-and even then...

Anyway, I'll leave it up to you all for that.

Eeveelution team[I'd have to rearrange a lot of stuff for this but it's doable)

Current set team[I'm a bit iffy on it now]

New Team[You'd send in your team ideas to me and justify your idea]

For that last one, I'd prefer if you'd send me them as messages.

Next- Eevee(Sylveon)'s name.

It's currently set as Cream, but I thought maybe a different name would be interesting!

So please Vote...




[Nickname]- YOU PICK!!!

Until next time! This poll is open for a while- I don't have a set close date.

Lets see how this goes!

Lets see how this goes!

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Good luck!

Alola Y/n!! (Sun and Moon x reader) RebootWhere stories live. Discover now