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(This takes place to where they kill Koro-Sensei. This time kaede will not get impaled through the chest)

The whole class including myself arrived to where Koro-Sensei after we got rid of the people who were going to get rid of Koro-Sensei. Everyone else ran to him all relieved and such. He then gave us a important lesson this time I did listen.

(Okay I forgot who the people were😃 don't get mad me I did forget what they were gonna do anyways keep reading.)

After Koro-Sensei finished his little lecture he gave us at a bad time and bad place but any how.. Rei pulled out a box of a small type of cake and we all sang Happy birthday to him and right when Koro-Sensei was gonna blow out the candle he got interrupted by a huge long tentacle owned by A man known as 'The Reaper' and the same guy who keeps coming over here.. Shiro.

(I guess I'll call them Tentacles what else will I call them?.. Octopus arms or something?)

The Reaper was fighting against Koro-Sensei with his tentacles.. while Koro-Sensei was trying his best to dodge them and all we could do was sadly watch.. until Koro-Sensei was getting weaker..

Shiro started calling the shots telling 'The Reaper' to go after us but Koro-Sensei being his natural self and a Teacher protected us no matter the cost.

"You're a fool if you think I'll believe it's that cut and dry. These children they risked life and limb to save me.
What they gone through
just to be here tonight
is extraordinary."

"Their determination, their unflappable spirit. Students like these are the greatest gift a teacher could ask for!"

"They are not a hindrance, They are not a weakness,
They are my class! And I am proud of each and every one of them!!" Koro-Sensei Shouted

Koro-Sensei gripping the other Person's tentacles with his own."Call it what you will but when the chips are down I will give my life to protect them."
Koro-Sensei says.

"I'm afraid we'd have to deny you at that satisfaction. See your strength will run out soon which point the children you're protecting lets just say their future won't be as bright as you'd hope." Shiro says

Shiro starts speaking again but gets interrupted as Kaede shoots and Koro-Sensei falls free from 'The Reaper's tentacles. "Idiot!" I yell out.
"What the?" Nagisa exclaims both of us trying to figure out what she is doing.

Kaede begins to speak trying to help out Koro-Sensei buying some time for him to get out and recover while Kaede deals with this herself.. blaming herself that this is her fault.

"What do you say 2.0?"

As Kaede goes in for the kill I go ahead and try to stop her with instinct I had to do it. Kaede goes ahead and jumps up and I run and jump trying to get her out of the way and all I see before I hit the ground.. is darkness.

I slowly flutter my eyes open my vision is blurry so I can't see much.. but I see everyone else around me including Koro-Sensei.. I can't remember how long I was out for but it felt like forever. I see them trying to get my attention but I don't hear them nor can I speak either.. I can't move at all It hurts to much to do so.

"Karma can you hear me?"

I'm so confused right now.. I Barley can remember what happened I don't even know what Koro-Sensei is saying..
I try to speak but I can't even tell if anything comes out I can't hear my own voice.
Panic strikes through me I
shed a few tears. For someone like me I would never do that infront of anybody nor for anyone But I'm Scared.. afraid of what's going on.

"I.. c-can't.."

I don't know what I'm saying I'm trying to form words.. but it feels like Nothing is working.. whatever I do.. Nothing whatsoever I don't even know if I am breathing Properly..

"You can't what Karma?.. What is it?"

Koro-Sensei keeps talking I just go with what Comes to mind.
"Can't.. h-hear.." I look up to the stars in the sky. Growing.. tired of staying up any longer...
I look over towards them and see them talking to eachother.

"Mm.. t-tired.." I shed a tear down my face. "No no no no Karma.." Koro-Sensei shakes his head no at me probably telling me I can't sleep now..

"S-sen..sei..." I slur out my
words, He looks down at me. "I'm.. s-sorry.." I lift up my hand and grab ahold of one of his tentacles. "I d-don't feel.. w-well... I won't die will I?.." I ask Koro-Sensei.

I finally found someone who cares and loves for me.. and they'll probably Find out the hard truth That I won't be here on earth any longer..

He shakes his head No at me
"No Karma.. You won't.. You'll be okay.." He leans down towards me and says "Rest.. Karma You're safe.."

I heard parts of what he says and I go ahead and Start to close my eyes and fall Unconscious.

(Some time later)

I start to wake up and look around wondering where I am.
"Ah.. You are awake"
A Familiar voice said I know
all To well of. "S-shuu?.." I'm finally able to speak a lot better
"The one and only.." Asano says then clears his throat
"You know when I heard my beloved boyfriend was in the hospital I thought it wasn't real until I actually showed up here to see you hooked up to all these wires.. It terrifies me Karma.. to see you hurt."

"How.. l-long have.. I-I been here?.." I ask Asano
"Three weeks.." He says and sits down in the chair next to me putting his hand on mine.
"Class E Came to visit.. They're worried about you.. they did tell me what happened well they didn't have a choice. that teacher.. well your teacher Koro-Sensei.. is gone he did save your life but you.. Weren't breathing.. so you had to be brought here."

Tears start streaming down my face. "s-so.. it's over.." I pull up my hands to my face and start wiping away the tears. "Shuu?"
Asano goes ahead and sit down on the bed I'm laying in and gently pulls me towards him embracing me in for a hug.
"Shh.. It's okay Karma."
He kisses my forehead "I.. already miss him.." I start crying into my boyfriend's arms. "I know.. you do.. But I'm sure he wouldn't want you to be upset he would probably want you to keep going." He brushes my hair out of my face with his fingers. "Now.. You need to rest so you can get better okay? I love you my Strawberry. He kisses my cheek and moves beside me leaning against the wall pulling my head to his shoulder embracing my with his arms the warmth of him being there makes me peacefully fall asleep.

The next day Everyone shows up and Congratulates me on my recovery and apologizes of what happened 3 weeks ago. Everyone Came and Gave me red Roses and Lilies and Get well soon cards although Nagisa Gave me an Envelope.

When everyone Leaves besides Asano I go ahead and open the envelope and read the note that was in it.

'Dear karma I hope you get well soon I'm sorry what happened and that you never got to see the last time you would see and hear Koro-Sensei. So I have a gift for you from Koro-Sensei to remember him by for all the memories we shared in that building on top of the hill.'

Sincerely  Nagisa.

I pull out something else out of the envelope. My eyes widen at what I hold in my hands.. It was one of the knives we tried to Kill Koro-Sensei with although It was a specific knife from Koro-Sensei I appreciated very much. I start to tear up and Smile. "Karma?.. You okay?"
I look over to Asano.

"Never better" I smile at Him.

 Asano x Karma OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now