Chapter 16

410 4 22

(Before reading this You might wanna get some snacks and comfortable this onshot is very long it's about 4000 words and over.)

Karma's Pov:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing loudly and vibrating on my desk from the sound. I reach my hand out and slam it shutting it up. I sit up and look out my window to see it Raining and the sky grey.
I sigh and pull my covers off and swing my legs over to the side of my bed and stand up.
I walk over to my Closet and Quickly get dressed. I look over to my calendar to my calendar.
"It's Thursday.." I murmur to myself.

I quickly grab my phone off the charger and look at time. it's 6:35 I have time..
I grab my bag and head out of my room. I walk downstairs and into the living area I look to the left to see my dad sitting at the kitchen Table drinking a cup of coffee and reading some Magazine. I put my bag down and head into the kitchen to open the fridge. I take out Two eggs and take out a bowl to crack them in. "Are you.. hungry?" I ask Raising my voice so my dad can hear me.
we usually haven't been able to have a conversation.. since he has to work alot and I have to go to school. I don't blame him for working so much due to all the bills we have to pay.. since Mom is in the hospital and isn't doing too well..

"Just some Toast is fine, Thanks." I tell him okay and take out two slices of bread and pop them both into the toaster. One for me and one for him. I take outa frying pan and set it on the stove and turn up the heat to medium. I pour some oil and grab a fork to mix the eggs that I've left alone for too long. a few minutes pass by and the toaster makes a loud noise meaning it's done. I stop what I'm doing and take out a plate and put both of the toasts on the plate.

I go back to the frying pan and grab the bowl. I then pour the eggs into the pan and begin stirring the eggs with a spatula
Once the eggs are done I quickly Grab another Plate and put the eggs onto the plate. I turn the Stove off and grab some salt and pepper. I sprinkle both of the seasonings
onto the eggs and put them away. I Go to the fridge and grab 2 butter packets. I rip open the packaging and Place the small square shaped butter onto both slices of toast. I grab a fork and both of the plates of food to the kitchen table and Place them down.

"Oh I almost forgot" I quickly rush back to the kitchen and grab Strawberry jelly and 2 butter knives. I head back to the kitchen table and sit down I place the Strawberry jelly down and both of the knives.
I grab my fork and begin scarfing my food. "it's Thursday.. you going to see your mother today?" My dad asks me. I look up to him seeing him spread the butter on his toast. "Well yeah after school." I finish my eggs and take my toast and spread the butter around with my knife then I grab the Strawberry jelly and try to open the lid. "are you going to see her today?" I ask while struggling to open the jelly. He takes it from me and easily opens it. "I work today so I won't be able to."
He hand it back to me and I glare at him wondering how he opened it so easily. I open it and start spreading the jelly onto my toast then eating it.

"Need a ride to school?.." He asks me. I shake my head no
"Nope, I can walk." "Alright it's 7:10 so get going I'll wash dishes." I say okay and stand up to get my bag I quickly walk to the front door and put my shoes on. "Oh and Karma? I won't be able to give you ride after school. I'm working night shift." "Okay" I head out the door and begin walking to school. a few minutes pass and I start coming across Asano's house. 'Hey.. wait a minute this is familiar.' I turn a corner and see Asano's house. I snicker and See him walking out of his house towards a car well guessung it's his dad's. I roll my eyes thinking of The Principal.

My eye light up for a sec. 'wait.. can't get give me a ride to school. I mean we do go to the same school just different buildings.' I quickly run across the street and go over to him. "Hey! 2nd place-kun!~" I call out and he turns around to see me and glares at me. "ah? what's with that look? oh.. was it the name? you're the one who responded to it." I smirk.

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