Chapter 20

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Wishes and Dreams
I decided To name this one so Enjoy:)


Nagisa's Pov:
I walk back into my shared bedroom. A rectangle Shaped room with 2 beds on each sides and a big window revealing the outside of the Orphanage.
I look around to see 2 beds one made while the other one... I looked to the left and see Karma Still sleeping even though we were all supposed to wake up 25 minutes ago.

I run over to his bed and Yank the covers off reveling Karma sprawled out on the bed like a dead person. Drool coming out the side of his mouth and the bandages That was tightly wrapped around his right arm are now unwrapped and hanging off. I sigh and kick him on the side. "Karma! wake up!" I yell and he instantly sits up. "Ow Nagisa!.. What the hell was that for?" He exclaims and swings his legs over off the side of his bed. "Come on Karma!
I woke you up like 25-7 minutes ago! And watch your mouth" I say Shaking my head. "Well sorry That I can't sleep in the same room with you cause you snore so loudly." He says wiping off the drool off the side of his face in disgust and stands up stretching. "Yeah.. well get dressed a Family is coming here and we have to behave" I say handing him his clothes and turning away to give him privacy.

"And?.. What do I care? You'd think they would adopt one of us?" He says stripping out of the clothes he was sleeping in And into something more comfortable. A black Sweater and a white polo underneath And grey pants. "Well they might.." I shift my weight To my other foot. "Oh come on Nagisa your 11 and I'm 13 almost 14 who would want to adopt Kids like us?" He says walking ahead of me. I immediately catch up behind him And follow him out into the hallway.

"You never know Karma someone could want one of us."
I say now walking beside him
"Yeah right.. that would take a miracle." He says rolling his eyes "Have some faith." I say as we both walk Inside the Dining hall Where everyone Was seated at. "Ah Karma Nice of you to join us" Karma and I go ahead and sit down "Yeah.. Morning.. Koro-Sensei" Karma Muttered under his breath. Koro-Sensei.. The one who takes care of us and this place Honestly He's the whole reason  we're Alive and Well. "Sleeping in? You know You should've been awake 30 minutes ago it is now 8:30. Are you trying to make everyone late for class?" Koro-Sensei says walking over to Karma and Staring down at him. "So what?.. You guys can wait" Karma says sitting down in the empty seat Next to me.

"No one has time to wait for you Karma!" Terasaka Yells out
"Yeah we always Have to wait 30 or 40 minutes for you! and then we Never get to finish eating" Someone else yells out.
Ah!.... My ears Calm Yourselves it too early for All of you to start yelling at me at once." He says and start to Put food onto his plate and start eating while everyone just sat staring At him.

"come on guys he's here now let's not waste anymore time and start eating before classes start" I say and start to dig into the food that I now put on my plate. Everyone Reluctantly Agreed and started to dig in.

Karma's Pov:
I Sat on a tree branch outside in the back of the Orphanage Playing with a Fake Knife Cause we of course can't have Real one's.. Especially Me it's like I'm being punished by this world's Cruletly called Boredom "Oh well.. that's life" I say to myself. I decided to come outside during Free time I guess Is What you can call it when you got nothing to do after 2 or 3 Classes. They just let us do absolutely nothing
And in a few minutes or so.. some family is gonna come by
Probably To adopt one of the younger one's. Lucky Bastards
I used to get adopted but I guess I cause too much Trouble
"How Upsetting..." I mutter under my breath. I know that isn't the real reason.. though maybe Koro-Sensei did something for me not to get adopted.

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