Chapter 14

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(Warning: Lots of Swearing:)

Karma's Pov:

How do I put this.. so I am Karma akabane well.. Karma Gakushu. Yes I am Married to Asano Gakushu who I held a rivalry Against him since Middle school. I stayed At Kunugigaoka and surprisingly went to the same highschool as Asano I originally thought he would go to a more expensive and like top achievement type of school But since we both only knew eachother and no one else we put our differences aside and hanged out with each other. Asano is actually pretty Chill to hang out with and he usually uses his money to buy stuff when we go out to places which I don't mind at all. As long as I get Strawberry Milk Of course Haha.

"Karma Wake up!" Asano yells at me. "why... It's Saturday" I turn away from him while I mumble Under the blanket I'm wrapped up in. "A Perfect Day for you to get your ass up" I fall off the side of the bed from getting kicked in the side. "Agh! Shuu!" I wine out his nickname I gave him. "What was that for?!" I sit up from the floor. "You should've gotten up the first time I asked." I looked up seeing Asano Crossing his arms and looking right at me.

I get up from the floor and throw the blanket back on the bed we both share. "Okay I'm Up now go." I say to him while walking to the closet. "I'm sure You don't Mind me watching My dearest strawberry." I immediately turn around. "Shuu!.. Quit being Like that."
I take off my shirt and put on a new one. "Haha I was only Kidding Don't worry I ain't gonna be doing anything.. Not yet anyway." I turn around about to question him once more only to see him not there anymore. I sigh and continue to change and comb out my hair. I look in the mirror of our shared bathroom and begin talking to myself. "Saturday.. a work day How unfortunate.. wonder what job it will be this time.. I mean as Assassins.." I smirk into the mirror and walk inside the bedroom and head downstairs to The kitchen.
"Hey~ Shuu.. you know.. Today's a work day" I sit down at the table. "So what's the job?" He walks over to me setting down a plate of eggs with a side of vegetables. I look down at the vegetables on my plate with a look of Disgust. "Well Unfortunately My love we won't be working together." Asano says with a hint of disappointment.

"Swe..t! I don't m..eind as as I H..ave more Fun that is." I say with a mouthful of eggs. Asano sighs and looks at me while drinking some fresh coffee He made. "I want you to be carful when you are out on your own Okay?.." I nod my head. "I'm Serious Karma I don't want you getting Hurt.. you were assigned To Assassinate a professional serial killer." I look up at him with a smug look on my face. "Calm your dick Shuu It'll be fine... You worry too damn much." I shove the plate with the uneaten vegetables away from me and get up to go get my self a Strawberry Milk from the fridge. "Well.. I wouldn't have to Worry So Damn much If you didn't take such a long ass time toying and playing around with all of your targets.

I slurp down My Strawberry Milk as I get bored of His annoying Ranting. "And eat your vegetables." He shoves the plate of the vegetables still on the plate Infront of my face.
"No fucking way!" I turn away from him. "Come on karma! stop drinking that and eat your vegetables!" He snatches away my Strawberry Milk from me and puts the plate in my hand as a replacement. "Hey!! give it back!" He drinks the Strawberry Milk Infront of me.
"Shuu!! No fair!" He smirks at me. "I love ya my little Strawberry" He taunts at me and walks outside.

3 hours later-

Still Karma's Pov:

"Awe.. where have you gone now.. oh How I love a game of Hide and seek." I hide behind a pillar Holding my right shoulder to stop the bleeding.
Damn it!.. How did I let him fool me like that!?. I start Arguing with myself in my head. Fucking Hell... Been 30 minutes and not once have I even landed a hit on this guy. He hasn't let his gaurd down at all and which means I haven't been able to get a single hit.

Why does my dear Shuu have to be right all the damn time. I peak from behind the pillar and look at the guy from behind. if I am correct his name is Luka. Killed his own Wife and daughter in a fire and doesn't give a shit who he kills or what he does. He's more insane than me. I pull out my gun and Aim right at his head. I usually don't use my gun that much but I don't really got a Choice in this matter. As I'm about to pull the trigger a knife is held right at my neck puncturing my skin. I stop dead in my tracks and don't move a muscle. "Gotcha~"
Luka giggles into my ear.
"you certainly did try.. A+ for Effort Karma Akabane" I slowly put the gun down. "How?.." I try to keep my cool but it's hard to do with a Fucking knife pointing at my neck drawing blood. "I know who you are Karma.. I know how you handle things" He puts down the knife and says "Speaking Of you.. Where is that dear husband of yours?
Asano was it? He's always around you." I turn to face him.

"Who knows.. he's probably watching us from a distance"
He look at my in the eyes.
"You can't fool me Karma, you're on your own." He smirks at me and Quickly
slams me against the pillar holding up one of my arms in
a weird position. "But Who knows.. Now tell me who the hell do you work for" He says into my ear. "Why the fuck would I tell you!?" I yell at Luka "if you don't I'll kill your sweet shuu.." Both my eyes widen. Shuu?... "Tell me? and he lives.. how does that sound"
I put my head down and tightly close my eyes. I can't.. I would do anything for Shuu.. and he'd probably kill him anyway..

I let out a blood curdling Scream like someone has
been murdered. He lets me go and I drop to my knees while tears quickly stream down my face. I hold my broken arm with other hand. I turn around and stare up at him from the ground and back up away from him. "No need to run away.. not like you'll go anywhere Far Heh." He walks towards me holding a knife. Luka Lifts up my chin and looks into my eyes. "What beautiful eyes you have.. they do glow such a marvelous color." He held up the knife very close to my left eye. "It would be shame if they no longer glowed Huh?.."

I tightly close my eyes waiting for something only to Shoot them open when I heard a gun shot being sounded throughout the whole place making it echo through and out my ears.
I see Luka on the ground Infront of me holding a hand to his chest probably close to his heart. "Agh! Holy fucking shit!"
I hear him grunt in pain.
"I thought I told you to be carful Karma." I look up to the familiar voice of who just shot Luka. I look down in embarrassment and shame. "Yeah whatever..." He sighed and Came over to me kicking Luka out of the way and kneeling down infront of me and taking my face into the palm of his hands. "look at me, You alright?" Asano said to me with concern in his voice. "My arm hurts like a bitch.." He still stares at me with a frown on his face. "But... other than that I'm alright" I smile at him and he smiled right back at me. "Good.. I love you so much my dear Strawberry." Asano pecked me on the forehead.

Asano stands up and turns around to see Luka gone and straight ahead running. He sighed and pulled out a pistol.
"They always try to run." I giggle at his statement. He aims and shoots Luka right in the head and then puts the gun away.. He turns to me and helps me up. "Now that's taken care of lets go home." He helps me walk out of the place. "Yeah that's a good idea.. Shuu."

 Asano x Karma OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now